12.3. Duke Burger: Part 3 | Campaign Duke Nukem Forever Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Exit the vent (you have to break the grate beneath you) to find a magnifier and a ladder leading to the roof. There, beneath the corpse of a scientist (?) you will have the chance to find the Shrink Gun.
Soon enough the aliens will start dropping reinforcements onto the roof. It's a good idea to place a few mines beneath the vents and luring the enemies there. Once you run out of ammo for the Shrink Gun, go up the stairs onto the shelter on the roof. There you will find another Shrink Gun. Inside the same shelter, in an EDF chest you will find Holo Duke, which you can use to draw away enemy attention if it becomes too crowded.
By using it, you can also unlock He's Got a hologram!
Enemies will keep on coming, so keep an eye on your ammunition and explosives. Use steroids as last resort and finish off them off personally. A beer can also be useful in dire moments.
By the end, two Commanders will appear. If you still have the Holo Duke, now would be a great moment to use it.