Destruction AllStars: Trophies List


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On this page you will find a trophy guide for the game Destruction AllStars. We have provided detailed descriptions for all the trophies and the ways to unlock them. You'll also learn how to unlock the platinum trophy in Destruction AllStars.

Key information

  1. You can earn a platinum trophy in Destruction AllStars. There are also 5 gold, 17 silver and 6 bronze trophies to unlock.
  2. Most of the trophies in Destruction AllStars need to be earned in multiplayer mode. This requires you to be online and connected to the game servers. You can get multiplayer trophies by matchmaking with random players or you can choose to play with your PSN friends in a group to make things easier.
  3. Earning the platinum trophy in Destruction AllStars might be a difficult feat. The trophy for winning 50 matches and the one for winning at least one match per character can be particularly challenging. They require a lot of skill. Even if you're matched against weaker players, you still need use the particular AllStar's abilities to the fullest in order to win.
  4. There are also some easy to get trophies in the game, e. g. for completing tutorials to familiarize yourself with the available game modes or for destroying a total of 100 other vehicles using any method. You should be able to earn these without issue.
  5. Unlocking the platinum trophy might take tens of hours. It depends on if and how quickly you will be able to master all the playable characters and earn their trophies.
  6. In Destruction AllStars, there are no trophies which require typical grinding. Even though your character earns XP in multiplayer, neither gaining experience points nor spending in-game currencies are prerequisites for any of the trophies.
  7. You can get the platinum trophy without purchasing microtransactions. The premium currency is used in the game e.g. to unlock subsequent events in the Challenge Series mode and to buy cosmetic items, but there are no trophies to be earned through these methods.
  8. You can check your progress in the PS5's trophy menu. This will allow you to determine, for instance, how many star objectives you have completed or how many of the 50 required online matches you have already won.

Hall of Fame

Trophy type: platinum

Achievement description: unlock all Destruction AllStars trophies.


Trophy type: bronze - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: bronze

Achievement description: earn all of the Star Objectives for a single event.

Comment: you can earn this trophy in singleplayer during a game mode called Challenge Series, which resembles a typical career mode in its design. Direct your attention towards the first chapter of this mode - Mutual Respect. It involves the character Ultimo Barricado. Unlock this chapter 'for free' (subsequent chapters can be purchased with premium currency, but are not required for any trophies).

The first chapter consists of 7 Events - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

The first chapter consists of 7 Events. To earn the trophy, take part in the first event - Mayhem. You must complete 3 star objectives:

  1. Win the match
  2. Collect 30 Shards
  3. Win by at least 40 points.

It's important to note that you do not have to complete all 3 objectives in a single match. Once the match starts, you can just focus on completing one or two challenges. Upon replaying the event, you won't lose the stars you've earned earlier and you will be able to focus on obtaining those you have yet to unlock.

Ultimate Respect

Trophy type: gold - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: gold

Achievement description: earn all of the Star Objectives in the Ultimo Barricado's Series - Mutual Respect.

Comment: this is a more difficult version of the aforementioned Rookie trophy. As part of the Challenge series mode, you have to reach 100% completion in the Ultimo Barricado chapter, which means you will have to earn a total of 21 Stars (3 stars per each of the seven games).

Keep in mind that you don't have to get all the stars during the course of one match. You can just as easily replay the event to complete the objectives you missed previously.


Trophy type: gold - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: gold

Achievement description: earn an S Rank Wreckognition rating or higher in any event.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. At the end of each match, you will be awarded a Wreckognition rank. For example, the above screenshot showcases the S+++ Rank, but to earn the trophy, the 'ordinary' S Rank will suffice.

Your rank earning progress is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen, above the breaker activation and Hero Vehicle summoning icons - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Your rank earning progress is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen, above the breaker activation and Hero Vehicle summoning icons.

In order to increase your Wreckognition rank, you will need to wreck opposing vehicles. Try to cause high-speed collisions as often as possible. You should also use the Car Breakers to damage or wreck the enemy cars more effectively. You can easily win this trophy by choosing an AllStar with an 'aggressive' Car Breaker, such as Ultimo, Bluefang or Ratu.

No Free Ride

Trophy type: bronze - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: bronze

Achievement description: complete the vehicle emote tutorial in Open Training with any character.

Comment: this trophy may be confusing at first, as it can't be earned during the tutorial that automatically starts upon initial game startup. You must select the Open Training option from the main menu and then choose one of the 16 AllStars.

Open Training is a little more extensive than the first tutorial - it consists of 20 lessons instead of 17 - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Open Training is a little more extensive than the first tutorial - it consists of 20 lessons instead of 17. Try not to progress ahead of the tutorial, because it might glitch out - the game won't progress to the next lesson. Only start a lesson once the corresponding notification appears on the screen.

Open Training ends when you press the emote button while driving a car. This will end the tutorial and get you the trophy.

Stars and Cars Collide

Trophy type: bronze - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: bronze

Achievement description: complete and win the Mayhem tutorial.

Comment: from the game's main menu, select Practice, a singleplayer training mode. Select the Mayhem Solo game mode from the list. Winning a match in this mode should not be difficult since the bots have a low skill level. Make sure to check out our chapter on the available game modes if you need some extra help.

Detonate to Dominate

Trophy type: bronze - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: bronze

Achievement description: complete and win the Carnado tutorial.

Comment: from the game's main menu, select Practice, a singleplayer training mode. From the list of game modes, select Carnado 8v8. Winning a match in this mode should not be difficult since the bots have a low skill level. Make sure to check out our chapter on the available game modes if you need some extra help.

The Last AllStar

Trophy type: bronze - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: bronze

Achievement description: complete and win the Gridfall tutorial.

Comment: from the game's main menu, select Practice, a singleplayer training mode. Select Gridfall Solo from the list of game modes. Winning a match in this mode should not be difficult since the bots have a low skill level. Make sure to check out our chapter on the available game modes if you need some extra help.

Bankety Bank

Trophy type: bronze - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: bronze

Achievement description: complete and win the Stockpile tutorial.

Comment: from the game's main menu, select Practice, a singleplayer training mode. Select Stockpile 8v8 from the list of game modes. Winning a match in this mode should not be difficult since the bots have a low skill level. Make sure to check out our chapter on the available game modes if you need some extra help.

Wrecking Ball

Trophy type: gold - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: gold

Achievement description: perform 100 Wrecks in any game mode.

Comment: this is one of the easier trophies to get, since you can earn it during either singleplayer or multiplayer mode. You can easily wreck the opposing vehicles by playing against low level bots in training modes, e.g. in Mayhem Solo.

Use every opportunity to cause high-speed collisions and make use of the Hero Vehicles (especially the larger ones available to characters such as Ultimo or Bluefang), which can more effectively destroy regular-sized enemy cars.

The Hero We Don't Deserve

Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: wreck an opponent's Hero Vehicle in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. There is a good chance that you will unlock this trophy without even trying to complete its requirements.

When playing online, look for opportunities to collide with opposing Hero Vehicles - try to hit them from the side or from behind. In most cases, these spots are the most vulnerable to this type of damage. By attacking the front of the opposing Hero Vehicle, you risk being counterattacked by the enemy's Breaker. It's also worth preying on weakened Hero Vehicles to increase your chances of instantly wrecking the enemy car instead of just damaging it.


Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: deal 100 damage whilst stealth in Cypher without taking any damage in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Shyft and his Hero Vehicle, the Cypher.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, your best option is to drive along the edges of the arena.

Cloak yourself using your Car Breaker and look for a chance to collide with isolated enemy vehicles - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Cloak yourself using your Car Breaker and look for a chance to collide with isolated enemy vehicles. You will need to be faster than your opponent's car during these collisions as this will help you avoid potential damage to the Cypher. Tilting the right analog stick to Slam forward will be very helpful.

It is very likely that a single collision will not be enough to get the trophy. As soon as you can, return to the edges of the arena after the crash to elude the attention of the other players. Once again look for an opportunity to turn invisible and collide with another player's slower moving vehicle.


Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: block 100 damage with the Undisputed's shield in a single use of the breaker in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Ultimo Barricado and his Hero Vehicle, the Undisputed.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, search for an opportunity to cause a serious collision (preferably a frontal one) with another player. You can get the trophy if you manage to block another player from colliding with you or if you hit a vehicle with great impact. In both cases, make sure to turn on the Car Breaker shortly before impact to activate the shield and block the incoming damage to your vehicle.


Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: keep a full shield in Gravitron for 5 seconds in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Muna and her Hero Vehicle, the Gravitron.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, activate the Car Breaker and quickly aim to hit opposing vehicles. This will earn you Scrap. You will need to collect four pieces from four different collisions (only impactful crashes count, minor bumps won't cut it). Once you collect four pieces of Scrap, The Gravitron will have to keep a full shield for at least 5 seconds. While attempting to win this trophy, always try to be the one initiating collisions. Avoid being attacked by other players, because they might take away the Scrap you've collected. Once the shield is charged, quickly drive to the edges of the arena and try to wait out the 5 seconds without incident.


Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: slice 2 vehicles in a single slice with Sabre in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Hana and her Hero Vehicle, the Sabre.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, search for a group of players engaged in a fight (preferably a sizable group of 3 or more vehicles). Head towards them and Slam forward by tilting the right analog stick to make things easier. Just before colliding with a group of at least 2 enemy vehicles, activate the Sabre's Breaker so you don't miss the opportunity to cut the opposing cars in half. If you're lucky and manage to cut at least two cars with a single slash, you will get the trophy.


Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: set an entire team on fire with Cerberus in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Fuego and his Hero Vehicle, the Cerberus. To unlock the trophy, you can participate in one of the following game modes: Carnado, Stockpile or Gridfall. It can't be earned during Mayhem mode, because you won't get divided into teams.

Once you summon the Cerberus and sit behind the wheel, you will gain the ability to activate its Car Breaker, which sets fire to the opposing cars after you collide with them. Igniting the entire enemy team (up to 8 people) in the Carnado and Stockpile modes might prove challenging.

The trophy is much easier to unlock during the Gridfall mode. Try to reach the finals of this mode, i.e. wait until only two opposing cars remain in the arena. Only then should you summon Cerberus and sit behind its wheel. Do not summon the Hero Car too early, because it might end up being destroyed before you reach the last moments of the match.

Just to be sure, you might want to wait for a while until there is only one other player left in the arena - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Just to be sure, you might want to wait for a while until there is only one other player left in the arena. Wait until they hop into their vehicle. Turn on the Car Breaker, head towards them and use the Slam to forcefully collide with them. You'll set the other player's car on fire and earn the trophy. You don't have to win the match to get this trophy. You just need to crash into the opposing Hero Car while your Car Breaker is active.

Flame On

Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: set 3 AllStars on fire simultaneously with Wildfire in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Lupita and her Hero Vehicle, the Wildfire.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, wait for the opportunity to approach a group of at least 3 enemy vehicles heading in your direction. Turn on Wildfire's Breaker and go perpendicular to them in order to create a burning line straight in their path.

It is very likely that the opponents will drive through the flames instead of stopping or turning around in an attempt to avoid the fire at all costs - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

It is very likely that the opponents will drive through the flames instead of stopping or turning around in an attempt to avoid the fire at all costs. Alternatively, you can also try to leave trails of fire in narrow passages near areas where you can see large concentrations of enemy vehicles on the radar.

Pitch Perfect

Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: wreck 3 opponents using CRASHendo in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Harmony and her Hero Vehicle, the Crashendo. Note that to earn this trophy, you don't need to wreck 3 enemy vehicles at the same time. Nothing prevents you from destroying the opposing cars one by one, but you must get at least three wrecks before the match ends.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, look for suitable opportunities to approach a group of enemies. Quickly activate the CRASHendo Breaker. Search for the perfect moment to attack enemy vehicles which are already partially destroyed to ensure that Harmony's Car Breaker finishes them off.

Home Run

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: wreck 3 opponents with a single use of Mr. Sparkles’ breaker in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Twinkle Riot and her Hero Vehicle, Mr. Sparkles.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, wait until you find yourself near a group of enemy vehicles fighting each other, especially if they have already partially exhausted their energy reserves. Turn on Twinkle Riot's Car Breaker and attempt to collide head-on with the enemy vehicles. You won't have to wreck all 3 vehicles in one collision. Instead, you may destroy them one by one, as long as all three wrecks occur within a single use of the Breaker.

Hit List

Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: take out 3 targets in a single use of Xero’s X-Ray in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Xander and his Hero Vehicle, the Xero.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, turn on its Car Breaker called X-ray. This Breaker allows you to tag other players - either vehicles or the AllStars themselves as they traverse the arena on foot. Once the system detects an opponent, use the Slam ability and keep driving fast to increase your odds of wrecking them. The wreck might still count if another player destroys the opponent 'for you' in the meantime. After a successful wreck, quickly focus on your next opponent. You have to take out 3 targets within a single use of X-Ray's Breaker.

Ultimate Precision

Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: take out 3 targets in a single use of Number One’s Lock On in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Angelo Avello and his Hero Vehicle, Number One.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, turn on its Car Breaker called Lock On. This Breaker allows you to track other players - either their vehicles or the AllStars themselves as they traverse the arena on foot. Once the system detects an opponent, use the Slam ability and keep driving fast to increase your odds of wrecking them. The wreck might still count if another player destroys the opponent 'for you' in the meantime. After a successful wreck, quickly focus on your next opponent. You have to take out 3 targets within a single use of Number One's Car Breaker.

No Escape

Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: wreck all opponents with Barong’s Countdown in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Ratu and her Hero Vehicle, the Barong. Due to the specific requirements of this trophy, it's easiest to earn it in Gridfall mode. You won't be forced to wreck a large group of vehicles within one use of the Breaker - that would be extremely difficult.

Summon the Barong Hero Vehicle into the arena and use it to collide with several opposing vehicles in order to charge its Breaker. Don't use the Breaker yet. Just avoid any encounters, e.g. by circling around the crumbling arena.

Hold out until the very end, preferably until there is only one other player left in the arena - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Hold out until the very end, preferably until there is only one other player left in the arena. Make sure that the other person is driving their vehicle and not walking on foot.

Start the charge detonation countdown when they are near you and do not let them get too far away so that they remain in the area of effect of the activated Breaker and end up wrecked. It might take a few tries before you successfully manage to keep your Hero Car from being destroyed too early and ensure that the last remaining opposing car stays within your Breaker's area of effect.

Chewed Up

Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: shred 3 cars in a single use of the Shredder in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Bluefang and his Hero Vehicle, the Shredder.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, wait until you're in the immediate vicinity of a large group of opposing vehicles before you activate your Car Breaker. Then activate Shredder's Breaker and use it against three different opposing vehicles. Focus on using the Breaker on the opponents who have yet to escape outside of your Hero Vehicle's reach, as it is slow and you won't be able to catch up to the other cars in time.


Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: spike 3 enemies at once with the Morningstar in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Jian and his Hero Vehicle, the Morningstar.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, keep driving around the arena until you notice a large group of opposing vehicles. Start driving in their direction and activate the spikes by turning on the Breaker just before you collide with them. To earn the trophy, you won't be required to hit 3 enemy cars at the same time, but you still have to take out three targets within a single use of the Breaker. If necessary, use the sideways Slam to collide with vehicles that you failed to crash into directly.

Instant Service

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: attach drones to 3 enemies with the Boxmobile in one use in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Boxtop and his Hero Vehicle, the Boxmobile.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, wait for a large group of enemy vehicles to gather in one part of the arena. Activate the Beaker once you're near them. Your task is to Slam into 3 different vehicles by tilting the right analog stick in their direction. If the slam is successful, then a drone will attach itself to the enemy. You need to quickly slam into 3 targets within a single use of the Breaker. This will most likely take many attempts and some luck, as well.

Party Animal

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: smoke 3 enemies with the Smoke Commander in one use in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Sgt. Rescue and his Hero Vehicle, the Smoke Commander.

Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, start searching for large groups of opponents busy fighting each other in the same part of the arena. Get close to them, activate the Breaker and start colliding with the enemy cars. Every opponent you hit will be blinded by the smoke. You will need to smoke three different players within one use of the Smoke Commander's Breaker.

Terminal Velocity

Trophy type: silver - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: silver

Achievement description: reach 135 MPH with Callisto in an online match.

Comment: this trophy can only be earned in multiplayer mode. This trophy involves the AllStar Genesis and her Hero Vehicle, the Callisto.

Earning this trophy is very simple. Unlike the other AllStar-specific trophies, it won't be necessary to attack the other players. Once you summon the Hero Vehicle and sit behind the wheel, stick to driving along the edges of the arena or in a large open area. Turn on the Breaker to activate the Hero Car's booster. After a few moments you should reach maximum speed and unlock the trophy.


Trophy type: gold - Destruction AllStars: Trophy List - Appendix - Destruction AllStars Guide

Trophy type: gold

Achievement description: win 50 online matches.

Comment: just as its description implies, this trophy may only be earned in multiplayer mode. Winning matches against bots doesn't count for the purposes of this trophy.

We provide a comprehensive list of tips on a separate page of the guide titled How to win your first match?. As a reminder, we recommend playing as the AllStar Bluefang, whose Hero Vehicle is perfect for scoring points as well as victories in Mayhem mode.

Checking Out the Competition

Trophy type: gold

Achievement description: win at least 1 online match with each AllStar.

Comment: this is one of the most difficult trophies to earn in the game, because you will need to achieve victory with each of the 16 AllStars. Unfortunately, due to their weak Hero Vehicles or Breakers, some of the characters may prove to be difficult to win with. Below you will find some additional tips:

  1. Participate in the team-based game modes, i.e. Carnado and Stockpile. This will make winning easier, since in these modes, the whole team achieves victory as opposed to a singular character. Your chances to win a match while using one of the 'weaker' AllStars will increase significantly.
  2. Familiarize yourself with each AllStar in training mode and pay special attention to how their breakers work. This will help you to use them more effectively.

Destruction AllStars

February 2, 2021

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