The Artistocrats
The Artistocrats is a developer.
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The Artistocrats is a developer of video games. The Artistocrats has been active on the market since before 2015. One of its first projects was game Order of Battle: World War II. In publishing its games, The Artistocrats collaborates with Slitherine / Matrix Games. The developer's most recent work is Starship Troopers: Terran Command - Urban Onslaught. Production release occurred on 18 June 2024.
Most Popular Games Developed by The Artistocrats
Developed Games
List of all released games developed by The Artistocrats.
Starship Troopers: Terran Command - Urban Onslaught - June 18, 2024 - PC
Order of Battle: Allies Victorious - September 22, 2022 - PC, XONE, PS4
Starship Troopers: Terran Command - June 16, 2022 - PC
Order of Battle: Allies Resurgent - October 7, 2021 - PC, PS4, XONE
Order of Battle: Allies Defiant - January 28, 2021 - PC, PS4, XONE
Order of Battle: Red Storm - September 17, 2020 - XONE, PS4, PC
Order of Battle: Red Steel - April 23, 2020 - PC, PS4, XONE
Order of Battle: Red Star - August 8, 2019 - XONE, PS4, PC
Order of Battle: Endsieg - November 13, 2018 - PC, PS4, XONE
Order of Battle: Sandstorm - May 16, 2018 - XONE, PS4, PC
Order of Battle: Panzerkrieg - November 30, 2017 - PC, PS4, XONE
Order of Battle: Burma Road - August 17, 2017 - XONE, PS4, PC
Order of Battle: Kriegsmarine - April 20, 2017 - PC, PS4, XONE
Order of Battle: Blitzkrieg - November 10, 2016 - PC
Order of Battle: Winter War - July 21, 2016 - PC, XONE, PS4
Order of Battle: Rising Sun - June 14, 2016 - PS4, PC, XONE
Order of Battle: U.S. Pacific - June 14, 2016 - PC, XONE, PS4
Order of Battle: U.S. Marines - April 7, 2016 - PC, XONE, PS4
Order of Battle: Morning Sun - January 28, 2016 - PS4, XONE, PC
Order of Battle: World War II - April 30, 2015 - iOS, AND, PC, XONE, XSX, PS4