Order of Battle: Panzerkrieg

Order of Battle: Panzerkrieg


Order of Battle: World War II Expansion Pack

Release Date: November 30, 2017

Strategy, World War II, turn-based, isometric view, 2D, war strategy, multiplayer, singleplayer, PBeM, hot seat

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A paid extension to Order of Battle: World War II and a continuation of the supplement entitled Blitzkrieg. In the Order of Battle: Panzerkrieg we take part in historical battles in the Soviet Union (including Sevastopol, Stalingrad and Kursk), leading to the battle of new units.

Panzerkrieg is the next paid expansion to the free-to-play turn-based strategy game titled Order of Battle: World War II. The axpansion, released on the PC platform, is a continuation of the story presented in Blitzkrieg - a previous addition developed by The Artistocrats.


Two years after the outbreak of World War II, the German army started an offensive in the east, stopping only after reaching the outskirts of Moscow. After several counterattacks from the Soviet troops, the aggressors had to retreat and regroup, at the same time trying to keep their positions close to the capital; however, after the forces of armoured divisions were replenished, the warfare resumed. This is how the struggle in Order of Battle: Panzerkrieg begins, during which players take part in historical battles like the siege of Sevastopol and Stalingrad or the Battle of Kursk (ended with the greatest battle of armoured troops in history).

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Last updated on May 5, 2020

Videos and Screens

Order of Battle: Panzerkrieg Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows November 30, 2017

PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 August 19, 2021

Xbox One

Xbox One June 23, 2021

Age restrictions: 12+

Order of Battle: World War II

Base Gamefor Order of Battle: Panzerkrieg

Order of Battle: World War II

Order of Battle: World War II