Skills and points | Main character Black Desert Online Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
In Black Desert, you deal with various types of points that help you explore the game world and foster communication. Such points are called ability points, contribution points and energy points.
Ability points - You need ability points to buy your character's combat skills. You receive those points, mainly, from killing monsters. Therefore, not only do you increase your character's main level, but also gain ability points. You can also receive them as a reward for completing specific quests (usually, ones from the Black Spirit series of main quests). There is no limit on the points that you can obtain and it is recommended that, at any point, you have several/dozen or so spare points of this type, ready to distribute. When reaching the next level, you unlock more often much better) combat skills, which cost much more than usually. If you do not check out at which level you can unlock a given ability, you can mistakenly spend all of your combat points and you will have to collect them all over again, to buy a stronger one. To check out how many skill points your character currently has, you simply need to view the character skill window.
Contribution points - Contribution points are a system of points that you receive for favors that you do NPCS. Also, they contribute to the expansion of the system of nods between locations to increase the level of trade and making money. For contribution points, you can rent special equipment that is impossible to find anywhere else. During the game, you will meet various NPCs that will provide an option to rent equipment. This may be weapons. Armors, jewelry or even workers. The main way of obtaining contribution points is completing side quests connected with each area of life. There is no limit on contribution points, but after you reach the level of 300 the rate, at which you score them drops. For completing quests you do not receive contribution points but experience points, which make up the specific contribution point. You spend contribution points, mainly on establishing nodes. Since nodes are not too cheap, you need to pick connections between cities carefully. If you have bought a connection, but you do not return to that city anymore (too high level, no more quests), you can receive back the points that at no loss and spend them elsewhere. Nodes directly affect commerce and selling/buying prices of special items offered by trader managers. The last feature of contribution points is that you can spend them on access to homes that you can adapt for workshops or kitchens.
Energy - Energy is yet another "currency" in the game. It is not a currency per se, but an additional system. You spend energy on minigame in which you obtain knowledge and improve on relationships with NPCs, on theft, shouting on chat, on assigning workers to tasks, on gathering, and on management of nodes between cities. You obtain energy mainly for completing quests and gaining knowledge. It needs to be pointed out that this is not the only way of generating it, but also of increasing its maximum level. Regeneration of energy is automatic, around every three minutes per point.