Matanzas – Crocodiles - a lake in the South-Western part of the location.
Jiguey – Hutias - the Southern part of the location, an overgrown area right past the smuggler's den. The hunting blip does not appear, bu the animals are sure to be there.
Andreas Island – Iguanas - North-eastern part of the island, to the right of the local official.
Havana – Crocodiles - the swamp to the West of the location
Boars - North-Western part of the location, close to the beauty spot
Hares - a bit to the South of the boar hunting grounds
Abaco Island – Iguana - the Western part of the island
Ocelots - the central part of the island, to the East of the beauty spot.
Cat Island – Howler monkeys - South-eastern part of the location, to the east of the beauty spot.
Salt Lagoon – Deer - the central part of the island.
Mariguana – Boars - the central part of the island.
Great Inagua – Iguanas - the South-Western part of the location
Boars - The central part of the location.
In the South-western part of the location, to the south of the Iguanas hunting grounds, you can encounter white jaguars.
Tortuga – Howler monkeys - South-eastern part of the location, to the West of the warehouse.
Cumberland Bay – Ocelots - the central part of the location.
Petite Caverne – Hutias - South-Western part of the location. The only place where there are some plants. The blip does not appear on the map, but the animals are there.
Kingston – Hares - North-Western part of the location, to the west of the warehouse
Deer - eastern part of the location, to the right of the harbor administrator
New Bone – Kapuchin monkeys - the Western part of the location, a bit to the South-West of the warehouse.
Misteriosa – Capuchin monkeys - the southern part of the location.
Santanillas – Deer - the Northern part of the location, close to the ruins.
Corozal – Hares - the central part of the location, to the west of the harbor administrator.
Tulum – Jaguars - the Southern part of the location, to the South-West of the beauty spot.
Crocodiles - the western part of the location, to the South of the Aztec pyramid.
Howler Monkeys - the North-Eastern part of the location.
Pinos Isle – Black jaguars - the Western part of the location, to the South-West of the beauty spot.
Cayman Sound – Hutias - the eastern part of the island
Long Bay – Hutias - North western par of the mp, right next to the beauty spot.
Crocodiles - the Northern part of the map, to the east of the hutias hunting grounds.
Howler monkeys - have not been marked on the map. You can find them in the central part of the location, to the South of the crocodiles hunting grounds.
Principe – Deer - the Western part of the island, right next to Edward's landing spot after you have used fast-travel.
Jaguars - a bit to the South-East of the deer hunting grounds.
Howler monkeys - the Eastern part of the location, to the South of the beauty spot.
Isla Providencia – Black jaguars - the South-Eastern part of the location, a bit to the North-East of the beauty spot.
Red howlers - the southern part of the location, to the South-east of the jaguars hunting grounds.
Crocodiles - to the North-West of the jaguars hunting grounds.