01 - Diving For Medicines | Sequence 6 AC IV: Black Flag Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
To start, go to Nassau. After the cutscene, take a stroll with your friends. After you are done walking, you will have to buy a diving bell (5000R) before you can move ahead. If you have the money, go shopping straight away and also upgrade the ship. Otherwise, complete a few side missions, or sell goods, to make a quick cash. Once you have bought the bell, set away into the marked area on the map, where you will find Blackbeard's ship and you will start the main part of the mission.
Using the bell, you will be able to explore shipwrecks in the appropriate spots on the map. Steer towards the marked area and hold down the interaction button to submerse.
OPTIONAL OBJECTIVE- loot three treasure chests
Once underwater, steer from one treasure to another and open the chests. Watch out for medusas and avoid them to prevent being shocked.
On the map, there also are special barrels marked, like the one in the screenshot, filled with breathing air. Use them to replenish oxygen when you are running out of it.
The medicine is in the locked-out area, sealed off with the lid, from the screenshot. If you have already searched through all of the nearby chests, swim inside and try obtaining the medicine.
You will become blocked off. Swim into the nearby cavern. Along your way, you will find spots where you will be able to surface to catch a breath.
At some point, you will get into a current and you will start to drift away. Use the buttons on the D-pad to avoid the obstacles. In a moment everything will return to normal.
OPTIONAL OBJECTIVE- avoid the shark attack
Finally, you need to return to the bell and watch out for the nearby sharks. Swim among seaweed and ship fragments to exit their range of vision. Even if they spot you, after you swim into a hiding place, you will be safe. Reach the bell and return to the surface to complete the mission.