El Impoluto | Legendary ships AC IV: Black Flag Guide
Last update: 02 February 2017
The basic tactic of this ship is ramming and firing the heavy bow cannons. One hit can inflict immense damage, just like a hit with the broadside. The ram inflicts heavy damage even after a hit at a short distance so, try not to sail too close to the enemy. Additionally, it is exceptionally fast and it can fire a heavy sideboard salvo, if necessary. At the beginning of the battle, the enemy will be trying to ram the Jackdaw a good, although difficult tactic, is to sail up, fire a salvo of chase cannons, sail up broadside and fire a salvo of broadside heavy cannons. Even more risky tactic is to escape and attack the enemy with elite fire barrels. Risky, because the El Impoluto is exceptionally fast and, with good winds, it can reach the Jackdaw without any problems to ram its prow. Due to the speed, mortars are not too effective against this ship.