Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide
THIS-IS-SPARTA!. Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide will help you find all the secrets, tombs and collectibles. Complete walkthrough and maps contain tips to main and side quests, including Ainigmata Ostraka, tombs, documents and ancient tablets. Check also our trophy guide.
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Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide
The guide for Assassin's Creed Odyssey will show you all the secrets and collectibles hidden in Ancient Greece. Our walkthrough contains descriptions of all side activities, such as solutions to Ainigmata Ostraka (ostracons) puzzles, exploration of the tombs or fights on the Arena. Also, here you can find descriptions of all main and side quests. Check our maps if you want to see everything that ancient Greece has to offer.
- AC Odyssey: Guide content
- AC Odyssey: Tips and tricks
- AC Odyssey: All Main Quests
- Legacy of the First Blade DLC: All Main Quests
- The Fate of Atlantis DLC: All Main Quests
- AC Odyssey: All Side Quests
- Free DLC: All Side Quests
- Legacy of the First Blade DLC: All Side Quests
- AC Odyssey: All Important Choices
- AC Odyssey: All Secrets and collectibles
- AC Odyssey: All Kosmos Cultists
- AC Odyssey: All Romances
- AC Odyssey: Maps
- AC Odyssey: Best Character Builds
- AC Odyssey: All Trophies and Platinum Trophy
- AC Odyssey: System Requirements PC
- AC Odyssey: Game Length
AC Odyssey: Guide content
A guide for such huge game like Assassin's Creed Odyssey requires a detailed walkthrough. Here, you can read about all the main and side quests, including side activities like tombs. This means that our guide will not only help you complete the entire story campaign and complete the most difficult quests, but also learn all the secrets of the newest Assassin's Creed game. Our walkthrough also includes important choices done in certain quests. The most important choices and their consequences have a dedicated page.
The best tips are another part of our guide that will help you with the game. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is full of content and it offers complex gameplay mechanics. Starting tips is a good place for the beginners - there you can learn about the combat, exploration, stealth, winning Conquest battles or travelling around the world with your ship.
Secrets and collectibles chapter contains a long list of the collectibles along with locations of the biggest and most challenging secrets. Check out this chapter if you want to beat Assassin's Creed Odyssey in 100%. This section is full of useful pictures that will help you find even the most well-hidden secrets.
AC Odyssey: Tips and tricks

1. Try to collect as much loot as possible - pick up gold (drachmae), resources, new weapons and pieces of armor. You can sell useless items or dismantle them to get crafting materials. Try travelling during nighttime - items are easier to spot during this day time (they shine). Revelations skill is also useful because it allows you to "scan" areas. Items can be collected even when you are riding on a horse. Keep pressing the interaction button when you are riding on your horse to collect all nearby treasures.
2. Don't get attached to your gear. In Odyssey, an item's level is its most important stat. Even a rare purple or gold item can become useless when your character gets a few levels. Upgrades at a blacksmith are expensive so try to limit them only to your main weapon. In other cases, you should focus on getting gear from quests and exploration. For example, a blue level 20 item can make you much stronger than a purple or gold level 15 item. Rare and the best items or truly important in the endgame part.
3. Use every opportunity to kill wild animals. You can get a lot of Soft Leather, one of the most important crafting materials. The game has an interesting mechanic where the bigger animal you hunt, the more skins you get. Another advantage of hunting animals is that killing predators and destroying their nests rewards you with XP.
4. Forts, camps and military facilities should be infiltrated during a night. Odyssey, just like Origins, gives you the option to speed up time by pressing one button. Enemies have a reduced field of view during the night which is helpful when you want to sneak around them. What is more, some of them will go to sleep. You can go around them or use this opportunity to kill them in sleep. Try to complete all mission objectives while you are infiltrating forts and enemy bases - you will get more XP or additional rewards. You should also look for war supplies. Steal their content before you burn these chests.
5. Spend your first few skill points on active abilities. AC: Odyssey gives you an opportunity to unlock a few powerful active abilities during the first few hours. Check out Bull Rush (unblockable charges), Sparta Kick (knocks a target back - stand on a rooftop or near an edge to get the best effect), Predator Shot (a much more powerful attack with your bow) and Second Wind (spend adrenaline to heal during a fight). Once you get all four of them, you can think about unlocking a few passive skills, i.e. those that increase Assassin or Hunter damage.
6. Grey items should be dismantled, blue and purple should be sold at a blacksmith. Don't carry any grey items to a blacksmith, these items are worth only a few or a dozen of drachmae. It is better to dismantle them in your inventory. Sell only useless blue and purple weapons and pieces of armor. Every item from both of these categories is worth a few hundreds of coins.
7. Visit all the discovered tombs. They are unique locations that can provide you with extra skill points. Explore them to level up faster without the need of waiting until you reach a new level.
8. Check a level of every enemy you want to attack. You can have problems if their level is higher than yours. Here, your best solution is to run away and go back here once you level up. Remember, that in AC: Odyssey enemies' levels scale up with yours. It is impossible to have an advantage of 5-10 levels. This means that you have to update your gear to match your current level.
9. Not all question markings are displayed on the map. You should be familiar with them thanks to Origins but this time the game won't display them all when you visit a new region. The best solution is to ride on your horse through an entire region. The game adds new question markings when you get closer to those locations (you have to be about 400 meters away from them). Try to check all the markers. Only then the game will display the list of activities available in that location (i.e. killing a commander, finding chests, destroying war supplies). Locations that can provide you with loot or a huge amount of XP are your priority.
10. Not every assassination end with the death of your target. AC Odyssey features even more resistant enemies than Origins who can survive an assassination or a shot from a bow (even when you aim at their head). You can check an enemy's level even before you attack them - when their health bar isn't entirely in red then it means that this enemy will survive an assassination. Invest in abilities (active and passive) that will give you access to more powerful attacks.
Check our pages dedicated to Combat, Stealth, Character progression system, Travelling and Conquest.
AC Odyssey: All Main Quests
The main quests in AC Odyssey have to be performed within the main storyline, and you must complete them all if you want to finish the entire game.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Legacy of the First Blade DLC: All Main Quests
Below you will find a full list of main quests available in the first major add-on to the AC Odyssey, that is, the Legacy of the First Blade.
Episode 1
- The Horsemen Cometh
- Shadow of Legend
- More Questions than Answers
- Hunting the Huntsman
- Protector of Persia
Episode 2: Shadow Heritage
Episode 3: Bloodline
- The Simple Life
- A Flight in Fire
- Answers from Ashes
- Two Knives Against the Dark
- The Last Magi and Smoke and Fury
- Legacy of the First Blade
The Fate of Atlantis DLC: All Main Quests
Below you can find a full list of main quests available in the second major expansion set to the AC Odyssey, that is, the Fate of Atlantis.
Episode 1 - Fields of Elysium
- The Isu Beckon
- Welcome to Elysium
- A Lover and A Fighter
- Meet Your Makers
- Dominance is Bliss
- Free Their Minds, the Rest Will Follow
- Releasing Elysium
Episode 2 - Torment of Hades
Episode 3 - Judgement of Atlantis
- The Last Call and Welcome Home
- The Dikastes of Atlantis
- Wisdom of the Ancients
- Fire Amid the Water
- Rightfully Yours
- In Dreams
- Lighten Up
- The Birds and the Bees
- The Fate of Atlantis
AC Odyssey: All Side Quests
Additional quests in Assassin's Creed Odyssey are not required to complete the main story, but they can have interesting content and may provide XP and valuable rewards.
Below you will find a complete list of all side quests available in AC Odyssey, which were divided by location:
- Kephallonia Islands
- Megaris
- Phokis
- Lokris
- Abantis Islands
- Attika
- Korinthia
- Argolis
- Naxos
- Pirate Islands
- Obsidian Islands
- Silver Islands
- Southern Sporades
- Messara
- Kythera Island
- Pephka
- Treasure hunting for Xenia
- Volcanic Islands
- Lesbos
- Chios
- Elis
- Lakonia
- Achaia
- Daughters of Lalaia
Free DLC: All Side Quests
Below is a full list of side quests available in the free add-on (DLC) to AC Odyssey.
- The Show Must Go On
- Divine Intervention
- The Image of Faith
- A Brother's Seduction
- A Poet's Legacy
- One really, really bad day
- Every Story Has An Ending
- Old Flames Burn Brighter
- Socrates' Trial
Legacy of the First Blade DLC: All Side Quests
Below you will find a full list of side quests available in the first major expansion set to AC Odyssey, that is, The Legacy of the First Blade.
Episode 1:
- The City that Cried Wolf,
- Dead Man Rises, A Curious Request,
- Taking Out the Competition,
- A Good Toast.
Episode 2 (Shadow Heritage):
- On the Grapevine
- Atos the Beast Caller
- Hirpes the Sordid
- Aias the Clean
- Proktos the Moon King
- Kephalon the Thinker.
Episode 3 (Bloodline):
AC Odyssey: All Important Choices
Below is a list of all important choices available in each chapter of AC Odyssey:
- Important choices in Chapter 1
- Important choices in Chapter 2
- Important choices in Chapter 3
- Important choices in Chapter 4
- Important choices in Chapter 5
- Important choices in Chapter 6
- Important choices in Chapter 7
- Important choices in Chapter 8
- Important choices in Chapter 9
AC Odyssey: All Secrets and collectibles
Below is a list of all Ainigmata Ostraka in AC Odyssey which were listed by particular location:
- Kephallonia Islands
- Megaris
- Phokis
- Malis
- Lokris
- Abantis
- Islands
- Attika
- Korinthia
- Argolis
- Naxos
- Pirate Islands
- Obsidian Islands
- Arcadia
- Abantis Islands
- Silver Islands
- Messenia
- Kythera Island
- Messara
- Hephaistos Islands
- Petrified Islands
- Elis
- Makedonia
- Achaia
Fate of Atlantis DLC
Below is a list of all tombs available in AC Odyssey which were listed by their location:
- Megaris
- Phokis
- Argolis
- Attika
- Naxos
- Paros
- Arcadia
- Southern Sporades
- Silver Islands
- Abantis Islands
- Elis
- Lakonia
- Hephaistos Islands
- Petrified Islands
- Achaia
Hunting for Seven Beasts
- Kalydonian Boar (Phokis)
- Hind of Keryneia (Eubea)
- The Nemean Lion (Argolis)
- The Erymanthian Boar (Elis)
- Constellation of Kallisto (Arkadia)
- The Kretan Bull
- The Krokottas Hyena
- The Lykaon Wolf
Mythical Creatures
AC Odyssey: All Kosmos Cultists
- The Eyes of Kosmos
- Silver Vein
- Delian League Cultists
- Peloponnesian League Cultists
- Gods of the Aegean Sea
- Worshippers of the Bloodline
- Heroes of the Cult
- Kosmos Cult Leader
AC Odyssey: All Romances
In AC Odyssey main character can get into an affair with many characters. On separate pages of our guide we suggest what requirements you need to meet in order to establish a closer relationship with particular NPC.
Below you will find a summary of all the romances available in Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
- Odessa
- Auxesia
- Kosta
- Lykaon
- Alkibiades
- Roxana
- Daphnae
- Kyra
- Thaletas
- Xenia
- Diona
- Mikkos
- Zopheras
- Aikaterine
- Thyia
- Anais
Fate of Atlantis DLC
AC Odyssey: Maps
We have prepared various high-resolution maps from which you can learn where to find quests, secrets and collectibles. These maps will also help you find side activities. On our maps we have marked important collectibles: tombs, Ainigmata Ostraka documents, lookout towers (eagles - synchronization points), stone tablets and even romances. Thanks to them you will easily find yourself in the vast world of Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Our World Atlas is an important part of the guide - use it wisely.
- Kephallonia Islands Map - the map of the first location in the game. We have described the most important places in Kephallonia Island such as Itaka or Odysseus's Palace. We did not forget about Sami Village. Kephallonia Island is also the first place where you will find three collectibles, Ainigmata Ostraka documents - Marko'ss Vineyard, Melissani Cave and Odysseus's Palace. Also here you will discover your first stone tablet and start an affair with Odessa.
- Megaris - Megaris is the second island you will visit. Here you will learn about the mechanics of conquest, attack the fort and visit the first tomb in the game. Our Megaris map shows all the most important activities.
- Phokis - Phokis is the third island, and at the same time much larger than the two previous ones. That's why the Phokis map will be useful during exploration. We marked here, of course, a tomb (Tomb of the First Pythia), two Ainigmata Ostraka documents and 4 stone tablets. In Phokis you will also start 3 romances: with Auxesia, Lykaon and Daphnae.
- Abantis Islands map
- Andros map
- Argolis map
- Hydrea map
- Keos map
- Lokris map
- Malis map
- Melos map
- Neksos map
- Paros map
- Seriphos and Lestris maps
AC Odyssey: Best Character Builds
AC Odyssey: All Trophies and Platinum Trophy
AC Odyssey has 51 trophies: 38 bronze, 10 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum (available only on PS4). These consist in, among other things, completing the main storylines, completing side quests and additional stories of the game, finding secrets and collectibles. For more details, check out our trophy guide.
AC Odyssey: System Requirements PC
- Operating system: Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit), Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- Processor: AMD FX 6300 3.8 GHz, Intel Core i5 2400 3.1 GHz, Ryzen 3 - 1200
- RAM: 8 GB
- Graphics card: AMD Radeon R9 285 2 GB or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
- HDD / SDD space: 46 GB of free disk space
The above requirements will allow you to run AC Odyssey smoothly in 720p resolution. You can check other video options and settings on a separate page of our guide called System Requirements.
AC Odyssey: Game Length
To complete the main storyline of AC Odyssey you will need around 40-45 hours. If you want to complete Asssasin's Creed Odyssey in 100%, then you definitely need to spend more than 100 hours with the game.

Author: Jacek Hałas
Working with since the old days, focusing on preparing guides for large and massive games, although occasionally smaller ones too. Besides more than 200 guides, his writing credits include reviews, previews, and editorials. Privately, almost exclusively a console player, most often playing action-adventure games (with a strong emphasis on good plot), racing games, and horrors. Also appreciates stealth games and tactical turn-based games in the style of XCOM. Plays a lot, not only at work but also outside of it, hunting - within the limits of reason and free time - for trophies. Apart from games, likes cycling trips, a good book (especially by Stephen King), and TV series (Stargate, The Sopranos, and Supernatural).
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