Dr. Kuhlman – Help Dr. Kuhlman
Morley's office – Find the pass code
Door – Enter the pass code
Morley's whiteboard – Find Dr. Morley's keycard
Morley's room – Investigate rooms on Dr. Morley's rounds
Blueprint – Pipe bomb blueprint
Console – A console that updates the map
After the conversation with Dr. Kuhlman you'll get a new objective. Dr. Kuhlman asks you to find Dr. Morley's office. Before you go, search the room and you'll find some useful items.
After you take them, go to the vent on the right and get to the next room. You'll find an ID tag, materials and map update console there. After you collect the items, you can go back through the vent or go downstairs. The latter is better because you'll unlock a door.
Go back to Dr. Kuhlman and use rewire point on the left to go further. Keep going along the corridor until you reach the place shown in the screenshot. You'll notice another map update console on the right, use it.
If you want to, you can enter the neighboring room and use a rewire point to turn on the lights in more parts of the facility. Take a look around the room and you'll find some materials.
Get out of the room and turn right. You'll reach a room with a save console, a journal and some materials.
Get out through the other door and turn left. You'll see a small room with a corpse inside on the opposite side. Search the corpse to find an ID tag. Turn right and head along the corridor until a turn right.
Go downstairs and head forward. You'll reach two doors. Hack the right one to get to Morley's office. Use the terminal inside to get a pass code (1702).
Get out of Morley's office and go forward until you reach a turn left. You'll encounter the Alien, so hide under a bed and wait until it's safe.
After the Alien leaves, go forward.
Note: you can also use the first door on the left to find an ID tag and materials. You'll open it with the code from Morley's office (1702).
You'll open the main door with 1702, but open it only if you're absolutely sure that you're safe. There is another map update console to the right. Use it and keep going. Enter the room to the left to find some scraps.
At the end of the corridor you'll find a door. Get through it and you'll receive a new objective. Walk up to the whiteboard to see Morley's rooms.
After the objective update, go left and you'll reach the staff rooms. There is a map update on the left wall. Search the lockers to find materials.
Go back to the room with Morley's rounds and go right. Your task is to investigate Morley's rooms and find his keycard.
Go forward through the corridor until you reach the first door on the right. Enter the room and you'll find a pipe bomb blueprint on one of the tables. You'll also find a save console here.
Leave the room and head right. You'll pass a room with materials on the left. When you take them, go back to the corridor and you'll reach the door shown in the screenshot. When you get through it, you'll see a map update on the right.
After you update the map, go forward and turn left when you can. In room A-29 you'll find two dead bodies. Take Morley's keycard from one of them and your objective will be updated. You can also look for materials.
You'll find a door on the opposite side of the room where you found the keycard. Enter the room and open the next door with your access tuner to reach Dr. Kuhlman. You can also choose another way to Kuhlman by turning right and going to the end of the corridor. There will be a door that you can open with Morley's card.
After you see what happened to Kuhlman, turn around and walk up to the elevator. To turn it on, you need to activate it with Morley's card.