Mission 4.1 [Sea of Okhotsk] Splinter Cell DA Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Time and place: Sea of Okhotsk, 200 km off the Siberian coast; 05 February 2008
1) [JBA] Seize the supertanker
2) [JBA] Reach landing pad for extraction
Primary objectives
1) [NSA] Contact Lambert
2) [JBA] Retrieve equipment
3) [JBA] Take out bridge crew
4) [JBA] Use detonators to blow the ice wall
Secondary objectives
1) [JBA] Seize the Rublev without alerts*
2) [JBA] Reach the Rublev without alerts*
3) [JBA] Disable communications
Start off by watching a very interesting cut-scene (#1). You will have an opportunity to take a closer look at Sam's new outfit. Fisher will make a jump in a few seconds (#2). Get ready because you will regain a full control over him in a short while.
You will find yourself flying in the air. Notice that all of the movement keys are active. You could use them (#1), however this won't be necessary. You will have to wait for the parachute icon to appear on the screen (#2). Press the USE key. Sadly, you won't be able to save your progress here.
As you've probably noticed, Fisher won't be able to open his main parachute. As a result, you will have to help him to open the backup one. The objective here is to start pressing movement keys (#1). You will also have to wait for the parachute icon to appear on the screen. You must press the USE button quickly. If you're lucky, Sam will be able to open his parachute (#2) and you'll land safely on the ground. Save your game here, as there are some challenging sections of the map ahead.
The first objective of this mission will be to retrieve some of your main equipment. You lost it during the emergency landing. Try making a few steps forward. An enemy gunship will appear on the map. You've probably noticed that two enemy soldiers have arrived in this area (#1). We'll have to take care of this problem. Try getting closer to the landing site (#2). One of the guards will start coming your way. We'll take care of him in a few seconds, so get ready.
Wait for the guard to get past you. Start following him (#1). Don't stun him too quickly. Otherwise his colleague would have raised the alarm. Once you've neutralized the guard, make sure that the second opponent is still patrolling the crash site (#2). We'll try getting closer to him. Choose a small passageway that's located on your left.
You should be able to get closer to the second guard without any major problems. Try approaching him from the left side (#1). It's best to knock him unconscious. You don't have to kill him. Additionally, make sure you don't make too much noise or he'll notice you coming. Once you've dealt with this problem, pick up the rest of your equipment (#2). There are four objects for you to take (mostly gun attachments).
Step up to the end of this ledge and perform a single jump (#1). This is the only way to reach the next section of the map. Once you're under water, start swimming forward. You will have to locate a small underwater tunnel (#2). This will allow you to get closer to the main camp.
Try getting closer to the ice. You will have to locate a thin spot. You should remember this segment from the first mission of the game (#1). There's a single enemy unit standing here. It would be best to kill this guy. You will have to perform a stealth kill. I'm sure that you still remember what has to be done here. Exit the water. You will have to use the same hole. Turn right and start moving forward. Once again, you will have to go underwater here (#2). There are two other holes that need to be opened.
Start swimming forward. Stick close to the shore that's located on your left. You should be able to reach the second thin spot very soon. There's a new guard here for you to kill (#1). Sadly, saving this guy would require you to distract his attention. There's only one weak spot to go. It'll be located in front of you (#2).
Important! Creating the last hole will probably alarm one of the nearby guards. He will arrive here in a few seconds. Make sure that he doesn't see you. Thankfully, you won't have to worry about failing your secondary objectives. The guard should eventually return to his original post.
Remember to use available maps from time to time. The 3D map will help you to locate current mission objectives. Realtime area map, on the other hand, should be used to locate enemy units. Exit the water (use one of the available holes). You will find yourself inside an enemy camp. It would be best to explore this entire area (#1). Alternatively, you could use your 3D map right away. You would want to locate the detonator (#2).
There are several guards patrolling this entire area. It would be best if you had knocked out most of them (#1). You shouldn't have any problems with that. Additionally, you could sabotage one of the generators (#2). This would shut off all of the nearby lights, allowing you to move more freely around the camp.
There's also a single laptop in this area. It contains several e-mails (#1). They aren't important, however you might want to read them. There's also an ammunition here (#2). You will find it near the generator. I would also recommend that you save your game from time to time. There's always a chance that you have missed someone. It would be a sad thing to lose the game because of this.
Take your time and explore the entire area. Knock out the remaining enemy units (#1). Use your personal map to locate them. Once the camp has been secured, head on to the detonator (#2). You will have to solve a simple mini-game here (you should remember it from the previous missions of the game). This will allow you to detonate the charges.
Use your 3D map once again. You will have to find the exit area (#1). It's located near the water. You must locate a blue dot on the map. Once you're there, perform a single jump (#2). Wait for the game to load the second (and much more difficult) part of this mission.