Random squad selection/Squad briefing – The option that allows you to join a randomly chosen squad and to appear in the location in which its leader is currently staying. You can do that either by pressing the same button again, just with the name changed, or by clicking on the Squad Deploy icon, directly above the Instant Action button. It is worth noting that squad is a temporary form of associating players, which is why you cease to be the squad's member after you log off.
Territory list – The current number of territories that you can go to. They, of course, include the continent's Warpgate base, where you are, and the other three bases. Apart from that, this option lists several random provinces that, usually, are not the sites of huge battles.
Threatened territories – The current number of territories ravaged with larger-scale battles. The provinces listed here need immediate reinforcement of the faction's soldiers.
Character classes – The panel that allows you to select the class of the character that you want to control after the game begins (after you appear on the continent). The scroll-down menu on the left side, allows you to select one of the possible loadouts that you have saved (the assigned weapons and upgrades), for each of the character classes (as long as they have been created beforehand). The button on the right takes you to a separate soldier development panel.
Briefing button – A green marker which, after being pressed, takes you to the territory that you have previously selected on the map (the green circle with blinking arrows pointing downwards).This can be either the main base, a smaller base of your faction, in a given province, or the Sunderer special vehicle.
Immediate briefing button – This is an option that takes you, immediately, to a random territory, where the most fervent battles take place. After you select this option, you land, in a space pod, on the are determined by the computer, where you do not have much control over the machine. After you touch to the ground (a thing that may kill somebody, if you are lucky) you regain control over your character immediately. It is a temporary option, for the restoration of which you need to wait several minutes. If you are a member of a squad, also the Squad Depl;oy icon may be here.
Help – The panel that allows you to replay the tutorial, access the support forum for PlanetSide 2, report the game's issues and list useful chat commands.
Profile panel – The panel that presents your character profile. Among others, you can find statistics and ranking tabs here.
World panel – The panel that presents the current situation in the world and on the individual continents. It has been discussed, in detail, in this chapter.
Character classes panel – A panel where you can buy and upgrade equipment for the individual character classes.
Vehicles panel – A panel where you can buy and upgrade all sorts of vehicles and aircraft available in the game.
Social panel – A panel that presents the communication capabilities of PlanetSide 2. You can find here tabs that concern squads and outfits, the chat features (including voice chat), friend and notification list, as well as the option to make movies with You Tube and Twitch.
Certification panel – A panel that sums up all of your expenditures in Certification Points, for character classes, vehicles and squad leader functions. Also, it allows you to upgrade and buy for the abovementioned areas.
Micropayments panel – A panel that allows you to buy with real cash, which is represented, in the game world, with the Station Cash currency. This allows you to implement visual changes to your character, unlock unique outfits or buy standard equipment the faster way.
Options – The standard gameplay options. Graphics, sound or key mapping settings.
Region card – A lucid note on the region pointed to by the pointer. It provides information on the province's faction status, the number of soldiers of the individual factions and their percentage ratio. Apart from that, it presents which of the three available base upgrades is possessed by which faction. Each such upgrade is tightly connected with one of the three special types of territories, i.e. Amp Station, Bio Lab and Tech Plant. For example, if you have 1 Bio Lab territory then, in all your faction's regions, within that continent, the advantage assigned to it is active. Also, the information that your faction has access to this function, is displayed. If you had 2 Bio Labs, you still could use this addition and it would be active in all your territories.
Statistics, filters, legend – three tabs that present the current ratio of forces at the continent, presents filters that you can select in any way you want and deactivate, in order to find the required information. Also, you can find here the legend that explains the meaning of each one of the symbols.
Menu – The button that refers you back to the game's menu.
Interface explanation – A short commentary on the game interface, prepared by the game's developers.
Continent name – The name of the continent that you are currently at, as well as a scroll-down menu that presents the remaining part of the world, alongside with the situation there.
Chat – Allows you to contact the players, on various levels.
Any territory – A region that is currently being held by one of the three factions. It can be owned by the Terran Republic (just like in this case), New Conglomerate or Vanu Sovereignty. The icons that you can see here, inform you on what kind of a province this is and what is there.
Warpgate – The faction's HQ. This is the place where the players spawn, after they log on to the server. It cannot be, in any way, seized by any of the enemy factions. At the base, there is a whole array of interaction panels, including the world panel (continent change), character class panel(swap character class) or the panel of the ground vehicles and aircraft (an one-time purchase of a vehicle).
Cut-off region – A province that has been surrounded, on all sides, by the enemy territories or can contact its own region only through a single connection. It stands out with the more pronounced color of its own faction.
Region under severe conflict – A region where notifications, in the form of explosions, appear on a regular basis. It is the battlefield for gigantic numbers of soldiers of two, or three factions, at the same time.