How to unlock new characters (list) in Pathway?


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Pathway features 16 different characters. 6 of them are available from the beginning, the remaining 10 must be unlocked.

Each hero has specific requirements - How to unlock new characters (list) in Pathway? - FAQ - Pathway Guide and Tips

Each hero has specific requirements. Below you can find the list of the available heroes and the requirements you have to meet to unlock them.


How to unlock

Leonadra De Quincey

Kill 100 Nazis.

Monsignor Carlo Veduti

Kill 50 zombie (you can encounter them in crypts and temples during the second mission and onwards)


Cause Bleed on 5 enemies (you can do that by using a knife; Bleed requires you to spend Bravery points)

Agent Georgette Remy

Kill 10 enemies by using Ambush. This skill can be used by any character using a sniper rifle. Choose the area you want to watch over - when someone enters that field, they will get shot (this attack isn't always

Professor Mortimer Bellamy

Find Disintegrator - you can find this weapon randomly during an expedition.

Dr. Gopal Chandraputra

Revive 20 characters who were knocked out - when a hero loses all their health, they receive "KO" status. Heal that person with a medkit - you can do that either during a battle or after it. Another way to help this person is to visit a Tent on the world map (provided you make it in time).


Kill 100 using a knife.

Rose Sheffield

Complete any campaign mission by having a party consisting only of women; Note: your party can consist of a woman and a dog (you can get a dog after one of your characters dies).

Annabelle Cesaire Montserrat

Kill 25 enemies using Double Shot skill (this ability is available only when you are using a pistol).

Le Fanrome

Evade 75 attacks. Do that by using Low-Profile mode - it can be used by every character wearing Medium Armor (this skill increases your chance to evade an attack by 40%). Remember, when you successfully dodge an attack, you will see Evade text, not Miss. Hiding behind covers doesn't count.


April 11, 2019

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