space MMOs Latest news

Legendary Sci-Fi Game Is Getting a Survival Spin-Off. One Detail Led Many Gamers to Give Up on EVE Frontier
EVE Online will soon receive a survival spin-off EVE Frontier. The announcement of the new game has infuriated gamers because of the business model.
video games
Adrian Werner
September 16, 2024

Star Citizen Is Expected to Receive One of Its Largest Updates in History. Recently Released Version 3.23 Already Impressed Players
Star Citizen received a major alpha 3.23 update, and the highly anticipated version 4.0 may be next in line.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
May 14, 2024

Star Citizen Offers Free Flights and Spaceship Testing. We Know Date of Free Tests
The developers of Star Citizen are once again inviting people to free trials of the game. The major Invictus event is coming.
video games
Zuzanna Domeradzka
May 6, 2024

Star Citizen Devs Made 24-minute Demo of Game Engine's Capabilities; Fans Impressed
The developers of the space simulator Star Citizen have posted a video online showing the potential of the improved StarEngine technology. The video won the hearts of gamers, who seem to appreciate the direction in which Cloud Imperium Games' title is heading.
video games
Marcin Przała
November 26, 2023

Star Citizen Free for 2 Weeks; Special Event Announced
Star Citizen will soon host the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953, and on this occasion players will be able to test the space game for free for two weeks.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
November 8, 2023

Star Citizen Without Version 4.0 This Year; Squadron 42 on Final Stretch - CitizenCon in a Nutshell
Squadron 42, the single-player story set in the world of Star Citizen, has entered the final patch phase. The developers presented details of the final „ironing out” phase of work. Star Citizen is also set to receive a slew of new features, including, a new engine (although not this year).
video games
Michal Ciezadlik
October 23, 2023

20-year-old MMO Finally Gets Collector's Edition; One Element Very Appreciated
MMO EVE Online will soon receive a collector's edition to celebrate the game's 20th anniversary. It will include, among other things, a plushie that fans have been asking for for several years.
video games
Zuzanna Domeradzka
July 10, 2023

Star Citizen Unplayable? Download Latest Version and Judge for Yourself
Cloud Imperium Games has announced that the Star Citizen project has received a new update. Anyone willing can now try out the recent improvements in a free version of the game.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
April 13, 2023

EVE Online Player Took Advantage of Obscure Rule to Commit Biggest Robbery in the Game's History
The EVE Online community was once again surprised with an amazing story that took place in the universe. The hero turned out to be a daring player who committed a spectacular theft in broad daylight.
video games
Adam Celarek
April 12, 2023

EVE Online's Roadmap for 2023 Astounds After Last Year's Boom
EVE Online players can rub their hands together in glee. According to the developers, 2023 will be full of interesting developments in the world of the space MMO.
video games
Michal Ciezadlik
January 9, 2023

Star Citizen With New Records and Big Plans for 2023
Chris Roberts' latest blog post reveals a lot of interesting information. The CEO celebrates excellent results for 2022 and outlines plans for the development of Star Citizen.
video games
Jakub Tarchala
January 2, 2023

Uprising in Eve Online; Space Disaster was Just the Beginning
The Uprising DLC launched in EVE Online, and with it, New Eden was engulfed by a faction war.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
November 10, 2022

EVE Online Blew Up a Sun; Players Ecstatic
EVE Online players recently witnessed an unusual event in which a star was destroyed along with the planet orbiting around it.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 4, 2022

My Toxic Relationship to Sham of The Century Game
Some say Star Citizen is the biggest hoax in the video games industry, so I returned to the game to, this time in version 3.17, see for myself how things are going for this game. Believe it or not, not much has changed.
Adam Kusiak
October 1, 2022

Star Citizen Raised Half a Billion Dollars
Fundraising for Star Citizen is not slowing down. Despite countless memes and derision, gamers are not stopping investing in the nearly 10-year-old project.
video games
Jakub Tarchala
September 21, 2022

Leader Leaves MMO in Disgrace After Winning War and Building Empire
One of EVE Online's best-known players is leaving due to personal problems and in the shadow of a harassment scandal and accusations of mismanagement in the background.
video games
July 25, 2022

EVE Online's Overhaul Brings Spectacular Results
EVE Online received a big update. The game has undergone a visual overhaul and received a helpful career mode for new players.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
June 29, 2022

Star Citizen - How to Remove Crimestat
Wanted status in Star Citizen can make the game much more difficult. From this guide, you will learn how to reset the crimestat and how to avoid offenses.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
May 13, 2022

Star Citizen Abandons Roadmap, Offers Coffee Shop Instead
Cloud Imperium Games is fed up with the „noise” of players in connection with delays in the development of Star Citizen. Therefore, the developers are abandoning the long-term roadmap. Fortunately, we can expect the addition of a coffee vendor.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
February 3, 2022

Star Citizen and Squadron 42 Launch Only in a Few Years; Devs Plan Sequels
The release of Star Citizen and Squadron 42 will take place only in a few years. This does not stop Cloud Imperium Games from making plans for the next parts of the latter.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
January 12, 2022