See what A-Life looks like now in STALKER 2. New patch removed annoying crashes from version 1.1
The A-Life system in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl finally seems to deserve its name, and the developers have released a small patch to fix the glitches of version 1.1.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl has received another update. Less than a day after the release of version 1.1, GSC Game World studio made patch 1.1.1 available. Although it is admittedly much smaller than the massive update from the same day, it includes an important fix.
The new patch removed two bugs that caused the game to forcibly close, which players quickly noticed after switching to version 1.1. The first bug may appear when opening saved game states, while the second issue (or rather "issues") could lead to a crash when loading shaders. However, so far, there have been few reports of problems with loading the game after this update.
STALKER 2 is finally alive
Of course, quick fixes pleased players, but their attention is focused on a larger update. The information about over 1800 fixes was impressive, although fans have no illusions that this is by no means the end of fixing the second STALKER, even if we ignore errors that are more mildly annoying than actually spoiling the fun.
It probably won't surprise anyone that the changes related to the A-Life system attracted the most attention. This system, so far, rather didn't deserve its name, which was supposed to be caused by optimization problems. Patch 1.1 was finally supposed to breathe some life into the Zone and players quickly started testing this feature.
The good news is that - according to the "testers" - the A-Life system is now incomparably better than what it offered on the release day. Players basically didn't notice characters or enemies appearing out of nowhere, and from a distance, you can see other stalkers fighting with the mutated fauna of the Zone (or with each other). The difference is almost tangible, which is only partially shown by the videos posted by internet users.
It's worth emphasizing that according to the devs, this is only the first "iteration" of the A-Life system improvements, so there are certainly more fixes on the way. Some players have noted that while NPCs as entities in the game no longer vanish, their models don't always follow suit (which isn't surprising, given that optimization still needs more refinement).
Some fans are also hoping that in the future, independent characters will be able to loot corpses, although not all fans would want such an option.
Nevertheless, the Zone is now much more lively than ever before. We just have to wait for the next updates, not necessarily with almost 2000 fixes.
- STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Review - Zone, How Much We Have Missed You!
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Heart of the Chornobyl - game guide