PS5 Pre-order Limit Reached in Japan
The official Japanese PlayStation blog informed that the limit of PlayStation 5 consoles that could be pre-ordered in this country has been reached. In addition, it was announced that Sony's next-gen won't be available in stores due to the coronavirus.

The pre-order limit for Sony's latest console has been reached in Japan. The information appeared on the official blog of the PlayStation brand (via GamingBolt).
However, this is not the end of the bad news for the people of the Land of the Rising Sun, who have not yet booked their copy of PlayStation 5, as Sony's representatives have decided that the new consoles will not be physically available for purchase in stores on the day of its debut. There are also no special launch events planned. This is to protect customers and store staff from contracting the coronavirus.

So how will can get PlayStation 5 in Japan? Those who have submitted a pre-order must contact the retailers to find out how to receive the console. The rest will have to wait patiently for the new platforms to come to market after the official launch. Customers may try to contact the stores for more detailed information.
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