PS5 Interface Presentation; Quicker, Better, but Not Perfect

An editor of Digital Foundry has prepared a short video, in which he presents and discusses PS5's system menu.

Paul Musiolik

  1. PlayStation 5 will go on sale November 12, 2020.
  2. An editor working at Digital Foundry has prepared a video material that introduced us to the console's interface.

Sony did not revolutionize anything when designing PS5's interface. The menu we will be using should be treated more like an evolution of the path that was taken during the creation of the PS4. John Linneman from Digital Foundry has prepared a dozen or so minutes of video that guides us through PS5's system.

Despite the use of a tile system similar to the PS4, the differences are noticeable immediately. The game icons were moved to the top system bar. When we hold down the PlayStation button on the DualSense controller, a quick access menu will appear (which we can customise according to our preferences).

The improved operation of the game library also draws attention. Titles from PlayStation 4 are marked with an appropriate icon, we can select the sorting and filtering of the displayed titles. The whole thing runs very smoothly despite numerous games in Digital Foundry editor's library.

PS5 Interface Presentation; Quicker, Better, but Not Perfect - picture #1
We will be able to adjust the bottom bar to our needs, removing unnecessary icons.

Unfortunately, we can also see some shortcomings. We won't be able to transfer PlayStation 5 games and saved game data to an external drive yet. If we want to back up our saves, we need to use the cloud in our PlayStation Plus subscription. The lack of folders may not be a problem at first, but over time and with the growing library of games installed, chaos will begin to creep in.

Sony will, of course, update PS5's system with new features, but once again after the release of the new console we are losing the capabilities that were available on older hardware.

  1. PlayStation - official website
  2. PS5 Review - A Promise of a Better Tomorrow
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Paul Musiolik

Author: Paul Musiolik

Started writing about games on the SquareZone website. Later, he wrote and managed the non-existent, and currently runs his own blog about games. He hasn't yet written a text that he would be 100% satisfied with. He started his adventure with games at the age of 3, when he managed to convince his father to buy a C64 computer. The love for electronic entertainment awakened by Flimbo's Quest blossomed during the first adventures with Heroes of Might & Magic, reaching its peak after purchasing the first PlayStation. As he grew older, he had more encounters with Nintendo portable consoles, and also returned to the PC as an additional gaming platform. He collects games and is a fan of emulation.

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