Login failed in Delta Force. You can't solve it alone
Login Failed is one of the common messages you can notice when launching Delta Force. This article will tell you more about it.

Delta Force is the latest installment in the popular series of the same name. It is a first-person shooter released in a free-to-play model in which players fight against each other. Unfortunately, due to the many bugs that the production suffers from (such as crashes and performance issues), a sizable number of fans cannot comfortably play DF. This is also the case with the bug preventing players from logging into the game.
Login Failed in Delta Force Explained
When launching Delta Force, many players complain of all sorts of login failed messages, with different id's, which suggest different reasons why they cannot enter the game. There are really quite a few of them and it is hard to name each one, however, what they have in common is that it is impossible to resolve them alone. It looks like the connections issues are on the side of the game and servers, not players.
If you are the unfortunate person who also suffers from such an error, then sadly, for the moment, all you can do is try to log into the game again until it finally works. Quite a few players write that this way, although slow and tedious, works and allows them to play the game. Other than that, there is nothing to do but wait for a solution from TiMi Studio Group. To speed up the process, you can also contact the support and describe exactly what the problem is. Be patient, however, as the game developers have recently had to fix quite a few bugs and deal with a lot of banned players in a short period of time.