Chapter 7 - The colorful day - My memory of Us Walkthrough My memory of Us Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: 26 October 2018
This section contains a complete walkthrough for The colorful day chapter in My Memory of Us. Here you will find a complete solution for Chapter 7 with screenshots. You definitely won't get stuck at any moment in the game after reading our guidelines to My Memory of Us.
First, climb the ladder. Once you leave the hideout, you will find a memory on the left.
Walk towards the white cross on the floor on the right side (it is shown in the above picture) and help the boy get up. As the boy, walk through the wreck, go down and move the chest. Reach the expandable ladder (it is marked with a red color) and take it. Go back to the spot where the girl helped the boy. Get up and use the interaction key. Keep moving forward. You will notice soldiers who are thirsty. Enter the building near them.
Move (as the girl) to the second stairs (next to the soldier who is in awe of the money upstairs). Go down and use the slingshot to hit the red plate hanging on the chest. Go back up as the girl. Switch to boy and go down by using the first stairs. Take the trophy. Now you can go back outside and place the item next to the tap (it has a red valve). Pour the water and deliver the trophy to the soldiers. Go forward until you reach a vehicle and a wage. Enter the wage as both the boy and the girl.
While playing as the boy, sneak pass by the soldier to the platform. Move the platform so that you can check each place with the robot picture (on the ship - the red color of the pipes is a hint where you should check).
Then, drive the platform to the right edge of the map. Use the hook to get to the top of the control platform. Control the hook and the platform in such way that you hit the nose of the robot and open the passage (in the above picture you can see the nose of the ship/robot).