This icon marks the locations in which the collectibles (in this case Rebel Shrines) were hidden .
Rebel Shrine #1 – The shrine can be found to the east of Refugio Umbra, in the Umbra province.
Coordinates: N 40 46.543 E 5 44.815
Rebel Shrine #2 – The shrine can be found in the Refugio Umbra, in the Umbra province, very close to the #1st shrine - you can find it in something resembling a garage.
Coordinates: N 40 46.539 E 5 44.726
Rebel Shrine #3 – The shrine can be found on the east coast of the Costa Sud province, by the Sancte Galile Monastery.
Coordinates: N 40 44.248 E 5 46.001
Rebel Shrine #4 – The shrine can be found on the south coast of the Costa Sud province.
Coordinates: N 40 43.432 E 5 44.671
Rebel Shrine #5 – The shrine can be found in the south-eastern corner of the Costa Sud province - there's a large sunflower field nearby.
Coordinates: N 40 43.691 E 5 44.331
Rebel Shrine #6 – The shrine can be found practically in the center of the Costa Sud province, next to a small, ruined building.
Coordinates: N 40 45.924 E 5 45.755
Rebel Shrine #7 – The shrine can be found in the north-western corner of the Costa Sud province, to the south-west of the Sancte Evita monastery.
Coordinates: N 40 45.919 E 5 44.169
Rebel Shrine #8 – The shrine can be found in the northern corner of the Libeccio province, at the north-western edge of the lake - there are ruins nearby as well.
Coordinates: N 40 46.791 E 5 34.903
Rebel Shrine #9 – The shrine can be found to the north of Burgoletto, in the Libeccio province.
Coordinates: N 40 45.795 E 5 37.927
Rebel Shrine #10 – The shrine can be found to the north-west of the Guardia Litore Torto II, in the Litore Torto province.
Coordinates: N 40 50.200 E 5 45.549
Rebel Shrine #11 – The shrine can be found in the western part of the Litore Torto province, at the Sancte Malco monastery.
Coordinates: N 40 49.119 E 5 45.015
Rebel Shrine #12 – The shrine can be found in the northern part of the Montana province.
Coordinates: N 40 49.154 E 5 42.589
Rebel Shrine #13 – The shrine can be found in the western part of the Prima province - there are numerous fields nearby.
Coordinates: N 40 44.539 E 5 39.728
Rebel Shrine #14 – The shrine can be found in the north-eastern corner of the Prima province.
Coordinates: N 40 44.478 E 5 43.569
Rebel Shrine #15 – The shrine can be found in the northern / north-eastern part of the Prima province.
Coordinates: N 40 44.460 E 5 42.719
Rebel Shrine #16 – The shrine can be found to the west of the central point of the Rocca Blau province.
Coordinates: N 40 47.799 E 5 33.186
Rebel Shrine #17 – The shrine can be found in the north-western corner of the Val De Mar province, at the south-easern edge of a large lake.
Coordinates: N 40 47.429 E 5 39.531
Rebel Shrine #18 – The shrine can be found almost in the center of the Val De mar province, below the "middle" lake.
Coordinates: N 40 46.006 E 5 42.127
Rebel Shrine #19 – The shrine can be found to the south-east of the Porto Tridente, in the Maestrale province.
Coordinates: N 40 49.118 E 5 33.170
Rebel Shrine #20 – The shrine can be found at the northern coast of the Maestrale province, near a small "V-like" section of the shore line.
Coordinates: N 40 48.987 E 5 35.603
Rebel Shrine #21 – The shrine can be found on the eastern part of the Maestrale province, at the northern edge of the lake.
Coordinates: N 40 46.470 E 5 39.370