Humankind: Train stations and airports
In this part of the Humankind game guide, you will find information about airports and train stations.
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This page of our guide to Humankind describes airports and train stations and connections between regions. Both facilities provide special bonuses that are available in the later stage of the playthrough, but they can have a large impact on the economy and war.
Train Stations
Train Stations are special districts that you can build in your city. They offer a decent 5 production bonus for each Makers Quarter. However, it does not collect resources from the surrounding fields, has a standard penalty of -10 for stability and increases pollution by 5 points.

The power of this facility lies in a special skill. If you build another train station in a neighboring region, a railway connection will be established. From now on, each army or unit will consume only one point of movement to move from one field of the train station to another. There's no limit to this bonus.

The construction of several train stations can allow you to travel through several regions in the same turn. It's not that profitable to build train stations next to each other, because you still use the movement point to move between the fields. It is best to build stations in the center of the region or inside the city. In this way, you will maximize their potential and your armies will be able to move over greater distances.
Watch out! Every unit on the route of the train line blocks movement. No matter if they are your units, allies or enemies. The route must be passable for your armies to use.
Building airports, can contribute to the significant development of your trade routes and increase profits. The airport is a district that can be built in any field of your territory. It provides additional revenue for each neighborhood trade district, but adds 15 pollution points per turn and reduces stability in the city by 10.
Apart from the additional income, the airport allows two things. First, from now on out of this city you will be able to drive air trade (Air trade routes). In this way, you can sign a trade agreement and choose a new type of trade route - air, in addition to the already available (land and sea). This is the safest option, because such a trade route can not be plundered, but it is also the most expensive option. Both countries must also have the right technology and at least one airport in their cities.
The second option, helps to transport military units and armies over long distances. You must have at least two airports in your state to start using the air travel. Then, just set the army on the field with the airport and select the transport option from the Army menu - it only costs 1 movement point. You can transport any number of armies through the same airport. There is no limit to the range - the second airport could be at the other end of the map. This is a great way to make a surprise attack on your opponent or strengthen your own defenses in a threatened territory.
Airport is not the same as Aerodrome. The former is used mostly by the civilian part of your empire, while the aerodrome is exclusively for military use - it is an air base for your fighters and bombers.
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