Key points of GreedFall - World map
Important locations on the map
On this page of our guide to GreedFall you will find a map of the World Atlas. We have marked the main locations on it (e.g. towns, villages) that you can visit while playing the game. Under the world map you will find descriptions of the most important places.
The world atlas is currently a work in progress. In the nearest future we will add more points to the map and more descriptions of important locations.
1 - Serene
Serene is the city where you start the game and where you have to complete the main story's prologue. Until the prologue is completed, you will not be able to leave the city to explore the main island - Teer Fradee.
During the prologue you don't have to focus only on the main quests. You can also:
- Undertake side quests - Most of them will be given to you automatically as you complete main quests.
- Visit the first merchant.
- Use the crafting table for the first time.
- Explore the whole city - Watch out for alleyways with bandits (it's pretty easy to win these fights if you won't get cornered) and forbidden zones. You can enter forbidden areas, but if you are detected, the guards will attack you and the reputation of one of the factions may decrease.
At the end of your visit in Serene, you will face the first boss - Unknown Creature. We described this fight in our walkthrough.
Finish all side quests before you leave Serene and go on a cruise. The journey will take several months of in-game time. Once you reach Teer Fradee, you will only be able to explore the main island.
2 - New Serene
You will reach New Serene right after completing the prologue - just after confirming in Serene that you're ready to embark on a trip. It's the first big city on the island of Teer Fradee.
In New Serene, you may expect some novelties:
- In the city there is a house assigned to the main character. You can, for example, relax, plan a fast travel or use the crafting table.
- For the first time you can use the services of a blacksmith. In addition to buying new equipment from him, you can also ask him for help in crafting.
- Exits from the city are initially blocked. You must first meet Constantine at the palace as part of the main plot. Only this action will unlock the exits from New Serene. From now on, you will be able to travel freely on the island.
3 - Wenshaganaw. "The Singing Waters"
A small region where you will mainly meet the representatives of the natives. Also, you can find here, amongst others, 2 chapels with free skills.
4 - Vedrad. "The Red Woods"
A larger region that is quite important in terms of story. In addition to the natives, you will find here some camps of different factions and one chapel with a free skill.
5 - Glendgnamvar. "The Shore of the Tall Bones"
A large location where you will find, among other things, a skill chapel. You will also visit the island of Vignamri, Old Mines Camp or Village of Vignamri.
6 - Magasvar. "Valley of the Great Battle"
You will find here a free skill chapel. A large area, full of campsites and interaction with the natives.
7 - Hikmet
A big city where you will find side quests for the Bridge Alliance faction.
8 - Steiger Falag
A small, temporary location. It leads to a cave of knowledge - Couwis. You will find Vibarr's hut in this area.
9 - Tir Dob. "The Black Lands"
In this region you will discover, among other things, the Eden camp and the headquarters of Derdre.
10 - San Matheus
Another city. This time, it's the home of Theleme Guards and Mother Cardinal.
11 - Cwenvar. "The Tall Trees"
Quite a small location, its main attraction is an abandoned mine.
12 - Veldvilvie
A marshy area where you will find an interesting hermit.
13 - Dorgred
You'll find Gelndan's headquarters and Dorhadgened camp in this area.
14 - Meinei Falag
A mountainous trail, a very linear location, where you will find several feature scenes.
15 - Frasoneigad
Ancient forests, you will find here the headquarters of Mev or the rebel village - Doneia Egsregaw.
16 - Anemhaid
The final location in the game. You'll find a passage to the "Heart" in this area.