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Gotham Knights Guide, Walkthrough

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Gotham Knights: Weird Science - walkthrough Gotham Knights guide, walkthrough

The third mission in Gotham Knights - Weird Science - is a short quest from the chapter Batman's last case in which you interrogate gang members again. You will also meet Talia al Ghul.

Last update: 25 October 2022

Here you can learn more about steps that need to be completed in the course of Weird Science, a quest in Gotham Knights. You will also learn what a Knighthood challenge is.

On patrol

Once you're back to Belfry, go through the tutorial to continue - Gotham Knights: Weird Science - walkthrough - Chpater 1 - Gotham Knights Guide, Walkthrough

Once you're back to Belfry, go through the tutorial to continue. New objective awaits, so leave the base. To recall mission objectives, visit the Case Files tab in the Batcomputer. Press the button responsible for the Batcomputer once to learn of the available challenges involved in the current patrol.


Completing an optional Knighthood challenge is rewarded with tools allowing faster exploration - they are different for each hero - Gotham Knights: Weird Science - walkthrough - Chpater 1 - Gotham Knights Guide, Walkthrough

Completing an optional Knighthood challenge is rewarded with tools allowing faster exploration - they are different for each hero. In short: you will be able to fly.

After completing the patrol - interrupting 10 crimes and eliminating 3 minibosses, return to Belfra and interact with Batman mask - Gotham Knights: Weird Science - walkthrough - Chpater 1 - Gotham Knights Guide, Walkthrough

After completing the patrol - interrupting 10 crimes and eliminating 3 minibosses, return to Belfra and interact with Batman mask. It will be marked by a red marker once the challenge is completed.

Note that the current task sees you stop premeditated crimes - those marked with a red triangle with an exclamation mark. They will appear on the map once the needed clues are collected.

Interrogating suspects

Back to the task at hand: white, inverted triangles on the map are crime prevention activities - Gotham Knights: Weird Science - walkthrough - Chpater 1 - Gotham Knights Guide, Walkthrough

Back to the task at hand: white, inverted triangles on the map are crime prevention activities. There are different gangs in each district, as shown on the map. In the current area, you'll mostly encounter Freaks, who are your target. Leave only one opponent standing, grab him and interrogate.

This is the finale of this part of the night - Gotham Knights: Weird Science - walkthrough - Chpater 1 - Gotham Knights Guide, Walkthrough

This is the finale of this part of the night. After meeting Tania, you can return to Belfra or continue with side activities. Any crime prevention activities in progress will disappear from the map. You can return to Belfra using fast travel from the map .

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