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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune



November 19, 2007

Third-person action adventure game that came out as Sony’s response to the unwavering popularity of the Tomb Raider franchise. The game was created by Naughty Dog, an experienced developer known for such cult game series, as Crash Bandicoot or Jack and Daxter. Uncharted lets you play as a young man named Nathan, a (self-proclaimed) descendant of one of the world’s greatest sailors and wayfarers – Sir Francis Drake. The protagonist’s journey begins as Sir Francis’ coffin is extracted from the sea bottom. Instead of a body, the coffin contains a journal describing a mysterious island, where lie the answers to the final fate of his supposed ancestor as well as one of the world's greatest treasures. The game features action-adventure gameplay, mostly boiling down to traversing various locations, simple puzzle solving, and dynamic shootouts. Combat mechanics offers a cover system similar to the one featured in the Gears of War series. At the time of release, the game offered top quality visuals with detailed character animations.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception



November 1, 2011

The third installment of the very popular series of action-adventure games created by Naughty Dog. The story of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception tells another tale of the treasure hunter Nathan Drake. This time the main protagonist must find the legendary city of Ubar. A group of thugs led by Katherine Marlowe is standing on his way. The basic fundaments of the gameplay haven’t changed. The developers from Naughty Dog wanted to combine elements of adventure game, action game, shooter and even beat’em up genre with a cinematic feel. In comparison to previous installments of the series, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception offers much more advanced multiplayer mode and visuals that push the PlayStation 3’ power to the limit.

God of War III

God of War III



March 16, 2010

The third installment in a best-selling slasher series, God of War, and the first one designed for the PlayStation 3 console. The game’s story picks up after the previous two installments, focusing on the war between titans and Olympian gods, fanned by the vengeful Kratos. The gameplay premise does not stray far from the standards of the series, focusing on spectacular battles with numerous opponents and mighty bosses. At the same time, God of War III offers several new weapons, each requiring a different combat style. The protagonist was given a brand new magic system and new, useful artifacts, such as Icarus Wings, Golden Fleece, or the Head of Helios. Thanks to the increased capabilities of PlayStation 3, the third installment in the series sports much better graphics and better AI of enemies.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves



October 13, 2009

The sequel to the very enthusiastically received action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog and released in 2007 on the consoles of Sony Company. In Uncharted 2, once again you play as the adventurer Nathan Drake. The story focuses on search for a powerful artifact which has the power to change the fate of the world. During the game, you will visit various exotic locations, accompanied by both the characters known from the first installment as well as some completely new faces. Since a ruthless warlord and his private army follow the trail of the artifact as well, the game is full of dynamic action elements and battles. As opposed to the previous game, the developers decided to make the gameplay more varied by increasing the number of Nathan’s abilities and available weapons. The puzzle system has changed as well, to solve many puzzles a cooperation with your allies will be required. The game is once again presented in a very spectacular, cinematic style and filled with witty cutscenes.

God of War: Ascension

God of War: Ascension



March 12, 2013

The fourth chapter of the adventures of Kratos, the Spartan warrior-gone-god. The title is a prequel to the God of War trilogy. The protagonist of the game was deceived by Ares into murdering his family. He decides to be no longer obedient to the god of war, for what he is sent to the titan prison. Despite the madness and tortures, he doesn’t abandon his hopes for revenge. Once he manages to escape, he can start his bloody revenge on the gods of the Olympus. The developers from Sony Santa Monica remained faithful to the gameplay mechanics based mostly on spectacular battles with powerful (and frequently gigantic) enemies. The mechanics of the game were improved with a series of new features. Among them there is a multiplayer mode which allows up to eight players to play together through Internet.





May 26, 2009

Third-person action game set in a typical modern metropolis, in which we take control over the hero endowed with supernatural powers. The title was developed by Sucker Punch, an American studio known for their Sly action adventure series released on PlayStation 2. The action of the game takes place in an open world and apart from the main storyline it introduces sandbox elements, consisting of a number of optional side missions. The game focuses on completing tasks which include reaching a specific place or eliminating a group of enemies.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots



June 12, 2008

The fourth full-fledged installment in a popular series of stealth-action games created by Hideo Kojima and Konami for the PlayStation consoles. Solid Snake is back again, unfortunately, his is also not at his best due to genetic experiments from the past. The story is set five years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 2. It depicts a world of the near future where military corporations fight each other in the name of their bosses. The protagonist is sent to the Middle East to stop his officially dead sibling, Liquid, from gathering a huge army that could create a global threat if allowed to launched an armed insurrection. In terms of the gameplay mechanics, the game combines all the best elements of the previous installments with several new features, such as an improved combat system in confined space, a new method of camouflage or a gadget called Solid Eye.

Yakuza: Kenzan!

Yakuza: Kenzan!



March 6, 2008

Action game, shown from the perspective of a third person and belonging to the popular series. In this part of the action takes place not in modern times, but in the era of Japanese feudalism.

Persona 5

Persona 5



April 4, 2017

The fifth entry in a popular jRPG series and a part of the Shin Megami Tensei series, started in 1987. As always, the developing studio is Atlus, which created the series. The plot of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5 revolves around the theme of seven cardinal sins and puts us in the role of an ordinary high school student, who discovers supernatural powers in himself. The protagonist lead a normal teenager’s life during the day, solving typical school problems and interacting with schoolmates, while at night he turns into a superhero, engaging in a deadly fight against evil. In terms of game mechanics, the production follows in its predecessors' footsteps, combining features of classic jRPG games and their turn-based combat with elements of school life simulator and the, popular in Japan, visual novel genre. Graphics have been created using a new, original engine and feature a dark, though cartoonish, style.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven



December 17, 2015

Another entry in the fighting game series based on popular manga series, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, by Hirohiko Araki. It has been developed in cooperation with Cyberconnect2 studio (known from the Naruto game series) and the creator of manga himself, who wrote a completely new story for the game, set after the events of third series of Stardust Crusaders. After Jotaro Kujo is attacked by his dead friends and foes alike, it turns out that there are evil forces to be held responsible for that. To bring back the order, we have to set out on a dangerous journey, during which we will be traveling in time thanks to Robert Speedwagon’s stones. In terms of game mechanics JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures: Eyes of Heaven is similar to the aforementioned Naruto fighting games. We fight on vast arenas in teams of two, using the heroes’ special abilities. The game is presented in a distinctive visual style that imitates the manga original.

God of War Collection

God of War Collection



November 17, 2009

A pack containing the first two games from the bestselling God of War series, remastered for the users of next generation consoles. In both games, originally released for PlayStation 2 in 2005 and 2007 respectively, we learn the story of the Spartan warrior Kratos, currently a hatchet man working for the Olympians. The gameplay is implemented in the form of a brutal third-person slasher, as we deal with a throng of mythological monsters and even mighty gods like Ares, or Zeus himself. We also meet many famous characters and get some mythical artifacts that help us fight in various ways. The first two parts in the series that comprise the God of War Collection have been refreshed by Bluepoint Games studio, now supporting 720p resolution and 60 FPS. The support for Trophies, not present in PlayStation 2 editions, has also been added.

Tekken Revolution

Tekken Revolution



June 11, 2013

The Tekken Revolution is based on the Namco Bandai Free-2-Play fighting model. Playing is about fighting with other people or artificial intelligence. The game is enriched by the hero development system, which allows you to modify their parameters and skills.

Resistance 3

Resistance 3



September 6, 2011

The third part of the popular FPP shooting series, the prototype of which was one of the starting titles on PlayStation 3. The game continues the threads known from the predecessors and develops their story.





February 9, 2012

Two-dimensional scrolling shooter, in which we control a spacecraft equipped with the ability to teleport to any place. The main task of the players is to save people whose freighters have been damaged by a powerful explosion of a star.





October 27, 2008

LittleBigPlanet is a dynamic platformer, designed for PlayStation 3 owners. This item is the first on this console to allow almost unlimited interference in the course of the game. You find yourself on a small planet, the boundaries of which are constantly widening while you play.

God of War: Origins Collection

God of War: Origins Collection



September 13, 2011

A compilation of two God of War spin-offs, originally released only on the PlayStation Portable console, made for PlayStation 3 users. The first of these, Chain of Olympus, is a prequel to the entire series and takes place before the events shown in the first game, when the protagonist of the series, Kratos, is still a Spartan warrior. The second game, Ghost of Sparta, is set after the events of the first, when our hero, having slain Ares, ascends to Olympus as the new god of war and attempts to finally deal with his dark past.

LittleBigPlanet 2

LittleBigPlanet 2



January 18, 2011

The second part of the award-winning Media Molecule studio game. LittleBigPlanet 2 offers a powerful single player campaign and even more sophisticated tools for creating your own levels or even entire games.

High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition

High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition



October 1, 2007

A gambling game that offers the opportunity to join one of five different poker titles. The player has an extensive career, although there is also a possibility to play with other players.

Ace Combat Infinity

Ace Combat Infinity



May 20, 2014

Another part of the combat fighter simulator. The action takes the player back to the near future. This is the first part of the Ace Combat series based on a free-to-play business model, and as a result, the game focuses primarily on multiplayer gameplay.

Killzone Trilogy

Killzone Trilogy



October 23, 2012

Compilation of the first three parts of the popular FPS series called Killzone, which also includes all the DLC sets released so far. The first installment of the series, which was originally released on PlayStation 2, has been enriched with trophy support. Its graphics were refreshed, allowing you to play it for the first time in high resolution.