Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite


End of Life: January 31, 2022

Adventure, fantasy, free-to-play, books, RPG elements, Harry Potter, movies, augmented reality, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet

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A new game by Niantic, known for the popular Pokemon GO app. This time the production is based on the Harry Potter franchise. The game utilizes the augmented reality technology, bringing magic into the real world.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite for AND and iOS is another game by Niantic, known mostly for the popular 2016 app Pokemon GO, and by a WB Games San Francisco supporting team. Like their previous production, the game utilizes the augmented reality technology. The publisher of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is Portkey Games, a subdivision of Warner Bros Entertainment, which focuses only on the Harry Potter games.


The game utilizes similar mechanics as Pokemon GO. You use a mobile device that you walk around with, finding various interactive attractions, which show up on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. You can e.g. encounter characters from the books, monsters that you have to fight, or stumble upon mysterious artifacts or new spells.

Last updated on December 18, 2017

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Guide

Last Update: June 7, 2019

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Guide

The Harry Potter Wizards Unite Guide is handful of tips for every aspiring wizard. You will find out if your phone will start the game, what professions are the best and whether it is worth becoming an auror. We cast every spells and magical items.

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Guide

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Gazillions of new mobile games have been released in 2019. For this reason, we have prepared a list of most interesting Android games, which are definitely worth a try. You may already know some of these titles!

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Videos and Screens

[3:00] Harry Potter: Wizards Unite launch trailer

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Summary


Android OS

Android OS June 21, 2019 January 31, 2022 (EOL)

Apple iOS

Apple iOS June 21, 2019 January 31, 2022 (EOL)

Developer: Niantic

Publisher: Portkey Games

Age restrictions: 12+

End of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite - New Game by Pokemon GO Devs Will be Shut Down

End of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite - New Game by Pokemon GO Devs Will be Shut Down

The end of the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, the mobile AR production from the creators of Pokemon GO, has been announced. The servers will be shut down in less than three months.

video games

Adrian Werner

November 3, 2021

End of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite - New Game by Pokemon GO Devs Will be Shut Down

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Debut Good but Not as Good as Pokemon GO

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite's debut was a great success, but the results of the game are very different from those achieved by Pokemon GO, the previous production from studio Niantic.

video games

Adrian Werner

June 23, 2019

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Debut Good but Not as Good as Pokemon GO

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Release Date

Niantic revealed the release date of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, an AR game set in a universe known from the popular series of books and films.

video games

Adrian Werner

June 19, 2019

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Release Date

Harry Potter Wizards Unite – Details and Hands-Ons

Niantic has revealed more details about their upcoming title Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Additionally, several gaming websites have shared their impressions of the current version of the game, which may become something more than just a Pokemon GO clone.


Jacob Blazewicz

March 11, 2019

Harry Potter Wizards Unite – Details and Hands-Ons