14 Classic Games for Free
Nostalgia is a treacherous beast. Sometimes the brilliant titles from our youth turn out miserable parodies of themselves when we play them after years. Fortunately, you can try many of them for free.

- 14 Classic Games for Free
- StarCraft
- Dink Smallwood
- Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars
- Prince of Persia
- The Elders Scrolls I and II
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Teenagent
- Tyrian 2000
- Ultima 4: Quest Of The Avatar
- Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire
- Jill of the Jungle: The Complete Trilogy
- EarthSiege 2
- Tribes 2
We enjoyed some of the below games when PC bangs popped up like mushrooms. Other titles come from even more distant past - these form iconic and fundamental classics our editor-in-chief played his brains out with as a kid. No matter, though, which generation of gamers you represent. Get ready for a huge portion of nostalgia. Entirely for free.
If you are familiar with any other classic game made available for free by their creators, share the appropriate information with us and the readers in the comments below.
Shadow Warrior

Shadow Warrior undergoes its second childhood thanks to maniacs from Flying Wild Hog, who delivered two high-octane shooters, a reboot of the series and its continuation, where players assume the role of a mercenary by the name of Lo Wang and rampage for a good cause. Just like in the original, which is now available for free in several places online.
Shadow Warrior is a pleasant shooter developed by the creators of Duke Nukem 3D and based on the same engine. Another common denominators include interactive worlds and parodic verve. The difference being the fact that instead of bruisers from the States, it ventures into the Asian action cinema. It takes no prisoners, though. The game is funny as hell, shameless, and absolutely naughty. And quite brutal.
The game mostly aged in terms of its visuals. The models have their charm, nonetheless, people not used to pixels might go into shock. When it comes to gameplay, the game is still mellifluous and funny, provided one comes to terms with contemporary simplifications. It never was the best shooter available but it didn’t have to be to provide a lot of fun.