Maps | Act 1 Dungeon Siege III Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
M3 - Pilgrims' Road and Raven's Rill
X - start of the journey
X2 - passage to West Forest
X3 - passage to Gunderic Manor and Swamps
1 - Lescanzi camp (after going to the Legion Chapterhouse you will meet Florina here, who will give you The Unlucky Merchant)
2 - enemies on the bridge
3 - Legion Chapterhouse (see M4)
4 - second Lescanzi camp
5 - Entrance to Raven's Rill
6 - Ludmila (Widow's Revenge)
7 - Katarina or Andriej (The Search for Survivors)
8 - Yacob (Fishing Hole and Unanswered Questions)
9 - River monster (Fishing Hole)
10 - Grigori (Unanswered Questions - only after finishing Fishing Hole)
M4 - Legion Chapterhouse
X - chapterhouse exit (leads to Pilgrims' Road, check M3)
1 - Odo (The Search for Survivors and Unanswered Questions)
2 - spiders
M5 - West Forest and Stormsong Cavern
X - passage to Raven's Rill
X2 - passage to Gunderic Manor
1 - crossroads
2 - Leona (The Search for Survivors and Gunderic Manor)
3 - witch Vera
4 - cages with Armand and Anjali or Lucas (The Search for Survivors)
M6 - Boris
X - passage to Pilgrims' Road
X2 - Heroes' Crypt (you will receive the gate key after The Battle for Raven's Rill)
X3 - collapsed bridge (will be repaired after The Battle for Raven's Rill)
1 - Boris (Widow's Revenge)
M7 - Gunderic Manor - upper level
X - West Forest
X2 - passage to Gunderic Library of Arcana
1 - Manor entrance
2 - sign
3 -Alisa Gunderic's ghost (A Wayward Soul)
4 - secret passage behind the bookshelf
5 - magic door and lord Gunderic's office
6 - east wing
M8 - Gunderic Manor - lower level
X - passage to the upper floor
1 - broken lock
2 - the wizard and colossus
3 - Lord Gunderic (Gunderic Manor)
4 - Nagog's heart (A Wayward Soul)
M9 - East Forest
X - Entrance to the Chapterhouse
X2 - passage to the Mournweald forest
1 - corpse (A Loss for Words)
2 - lost books (A Loss for Words)
3 - shadows cavern
4- Niko and the spider (Hiding Out)
M10 - Mournweald
X - passage to East Forest
1 - Lord Montbaron's corpse
M11 -Rukkenvahl passage
X - portal to the Chapterhouse
X2 - passage to the cemetery
M12 - Cemetery and Raven's Rill
X - portal
1 - hidden treasure room
2 - witch
3 - Rajani (The Battle for Raven's Rill)
4 - Lazar (The Battle for Raven's Rill)