Miracles | Basics Black and White 2 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
We have six different miracles for our disposal, which we can use in a lot of different ways and for different purposes.
The first, free miracle. Using it often is encouraged. Thanks to it, You can increase the growth rate of the grain in Your fields (by throwing it on the field). Another very useful form of using it is watering trees and 'multiplying' them by doing so. If You're playing as the good god and You're running out of wood, plant three (or more) trees one by the other. Then, throw water on them which will make them grow higher. Also, new trees should show up, small seedlings near the older ones - watering those makes them grow faster and will create new seedlings (the circle closes). Doing this is very effective and is useful, especially if there are no trees left inside Your influence line and this raw material can only be brought in by Your peasants and Your creature.
Price in tribute tab: 0 tribute
Mana cost: 750
This miracle will be extremely useful if You're the god of evil (war). Thanks to it, You can heal Your wounded peasants, Your platoons after a battle, and most of all, Your creature. Your creature should be Your main force in Your army, and it's him You should heal the most often.
Price in tribute tab: 20 000 tribute
Mana cost: 1 000
Miracle that I used rarely, but it sometimes can be useful. You can use it in two ways. Once You see Your enemy's platoons and his creature coming to attack You and there is a risk that the peasants might be wounded (You have to admit that it doesn't happen often), You can use this miracle on them to shield them from wounds. The other way to use it is to scatter the enemy platoon with the wind it generates. Once You use it in the middle of a enemy platoon, it will break up (the wounds are quite small, but You can use the nearby water or cliff to kill them).
Cost in tribute tab: 30 000 tribute
Mana cost: 1 250
A very useful miracle, especially for players that attack often. It's thanks to this miracle that You can defend from enemy attacks and weaken their creature quite a bit. Once You see that enemy platoons are stationed near Your influence line or that they crossed it, wipe them out with fire. You can throw it, just like rocks (which will also bounce from the ground a little) or use it by 'spilling' it.
Price in tribute tab: 60 000 tribute
Mana cost: 2 000
This miracle, just like fire, is used for defense and for attacking enemy units. I advise using it for attack, since when defending with it, the effect will be similar to fire but the cost will be much higher.
Price in tribute tab: 90 000 tribute
Mana cost: 5 000
The most expensive and most spectacular miracle. You'll probably buy it near the end of the game, and I'll advise You to buy it only when You won't have any other expenses. Its cost and use is huge, but the effects aren't adequate. If You'll use it, it's best to do so on the enemy's creature.
Price in tribute tab: 150 000 tribute
Mana cost: 7 500