Introduction | Chinese tanks
World of Tanks Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Chinese tanks
Soviet tanks
Soviet heavy tanks
Object 260
The Chinese tanks can be divided into copies of the vehicles that you already know and completely prototypical; ones, developed t the factories of the Far East. Since this tree of vehicles is completely new, only light, medium and heavy tanks are available at present.
Chinese medium tanks are similar, in their playing style, to the Soviet vehicles. They have quite weak hulls and a turret that is very resistant to fire. Unlike their Soviet counterparts they are armed with cannons of larger caliber. These tanks are very mobile and capable both of breaching enemy lines and quick raids behind enemy lines.
When it comes to heavy tanks, again, they draw extensively on the Soviet technical thought. These tanks are frontline vehicles, which breach the frontline and open the way for the rest of the vehicles.
The final branch, and the most unique for Chinese, at the same time, is the branch of high tier light tanks. Unlike scouting vehicles of the other nations, these tanks have excellent armament and are capable of destroying any opponent that they encounter. If only you can find an isolated target, you can be sure that soon, it will fall victim to you.
Advantages Cannons deal a lot of damage Good mobility Excellent camouflage factors Universal medium and heavy tanks Excellently armed light tanks Disadvantages Low accuracy of cannons Medium tanks susceptible to critical damage Terrible cannon elevation (Chinese tanks can only fight over flat terrain)
Chinese tanks
Soviet tanks
Soviet heavy tanks
Object 260