The research point number 14 is also under the pier. Swim there while controlling Marcus. The collectible is behind a barricade - destroy it using explosive charges.
The research point number 12 is under the wooden building. Use the jumper and find the tunnel which will lead it to a secret area.
The research point 71 is on the roof of an apartment complex. Get to the inner courtyard and use a nearby lift to reach the floor with the red terminal. Hack in and then perform a remote hack on the antenna.
The research point 88 is in a small restricted area. You'll find it in a dark corner next to a building wall and it's best to sneak in with a jumper.
Research points - map, locations 1-61
Key points of Watch Dogs 2 - Research points
Research points
Research points
1 – The research point is in the restricted area guarded by enemies and dogs. You'll find it on a long desk next to one of the computer monitors.
2 – The research point is on the building's roof. Hack a nearby lift and use it to help Marcus to reach the roof area.
3,14 – The research point number 3 is under the pier. Jump in the water, swim towards a collectible and position yourself so that you can remotly hack the device.
The research point number 14 is also under the pier. Swim there while controlling Marcus. The collectible is behind a barricade - destroy it using explosive charges.
4 – The research point is inside a huge computer in the playground. Activate the jumper and use it to travel through a slide. Once you're inside the computer you must additionally travel through a ventilation shaft.
5 – The research point is on a small wooden platform surrounded by water.
6 – The research point is at the top of the tower. Use your quadcopter to get there and perform a remote hack.
7 – The research point is in the briefcase on the roof. Use the lift to help your jumper in reaching one of the lower parts of the building. After that find a ventilation shaft and make the jumper travel through it. Once the jumper has left the shaft you should be right next to the collectible.
8 – The research point is under a wooden balcony. Use a quadcopter to get there and perform a remote hack.
9 – The research point is on the roof of the building. Perform a remote hack on the elevator so that Marcus reaches a roof. Activate the jumper and locate the closed circuit terminal. Hack in and then find a ventilation shaft which the jumper can access. The tunnel will lead to a small stash with the collectible.
10 – The research point is on the building's roof behind the billboard. Use a lift to reach a higher ledge and then locate a ladder.
11,12 – The research point number 11 is in the restricted area and you can sneak in using the jumper. Check the upper floor of the building - the collectible is in the briefcase under the desk with two monitors.
The research point number 12 is under the wooden building. Use the jumper and find the tunnel which will lead it to a secret area.
13 – The research point is on the roof. Reach that area using a quadcopter and find a box which you can hack remotely.
15 – The research point is by one of the walls of the building located next to the lighthouse. You can get there playing as Marcus without any problems.
16 – The research point is on a platform under the freeway. Get there using a quadcopter and do a remote hack.
17 – The research point is inside one of the buildings. Find a small ventilation grate nearby and head inside the shaft using a jumper. The collectible is at the end of the tunnel.
18 – The research point is on a large balcony which is a restricted area. Sneak over there using a jumper and steal the collectible before you're noticed by the guards.
19 – The research point is in a secret stash inside the building. Walk around this building to locate a small grating and head over there with a jumper.
20 – The research point is on the roof of a small building. Park a car next to the building. Activate the jumper, jump on top of the car and then make a second jump to reach the roof.
21 – The research point is on the roof of the Haum Data Center building which is a restricted area. Find an elevator in this location and use remote hacking to make it reach the ground level. Enter the elevator and return to the roof to get the collectible.
22 – The research point is on top of a large column in the Union Square. Use a quadcopter to get there.
23 – The research point is a closed room in the underground parking lot. Position the quadcopter near a small hole above the locked door and perform a remote hack. After you've obtained the access key open the door.
24 – The research point is behind a large billboard. Fly over there with a quadcopter in order to perform a remote hack.
25 – The research point is on a large, high balcony. You must reach an adjacent garden which is located even higher. After that perform a jump with a motorcycle or another vehicle in order to land on the balcony.
26 – The research point is connected to an antenna located on the building's roof. Get there with a quadcopter and do a remote hack.
27 – The research point is inside the building in the construction site. Enter this building and climb to reach its higher floor. After that locate a hole in the wall and use a jumper to enter the shaft (it has to be a precise jump). Cross the ventilation tunnel to find a router.
28 – The research point is inside a building. Reach an alley located nearby. It's a restricted area and you can eliminate or distract enemies. Move a ventilation shaft grating and head inside using a jumper. The secret is at the end of the tunnel.
29 – The research point is on the roof of the lowest house from a row of building. Reach the hill and climp one of the higher houses. After that starting jumping down to the roofs of the lower buildings.
30 – The research point is in the orange container in a small square which is a restricted area. It's best to disorient enemies and to sneak over there with a jumper.
31 – The research point is on the building's roof. Use a lift to reach a fragment of the roof with a closed circuit terminal. Once you've hacked in activate your quadcopter. Locate an antenna on the roof and perform a remote hack.
32 – The research point is attached to the bridge. Use a quadcopter to get closer to the large structure and do a remote hack.
33 – The research point is on the roof of the gas station. Find a jumping spot nearby and use a motorcycle to land on the roof. Turn right and make a second jump. Hack into the closed circuit terminal and finish your ascend to the antenna located on the roof.
34 – The research point is in a restricted area in the docks. It's best to infiltrate this area with a jumper. Find a closed circuit terminal on the ground level and hack into it. After that switch to a quadcopter and perform a remote hack on an antenna attached to a building wall.
35 – The research point is on the roof of the skyscraper. Start on the ground level and find a ladder allowing you to begin your ascend. Reach a closed circuit terminal and hack it. After that activate the quadcopter and fly towards the roof. Hack the door and then an object from a very small room.
36 – The research point is inside one of the glass bridges of an enormous building. You can perform a remote hack while controlling the quadcopter.
37 – The research point is in a briefcase in a small campsite which is a restricted area. It's best to get there using a jumper.
38 – The research point is inside a building under construction (it's a restricted area). Activate the jumper and head to this building's cellar. You must make a jump here to reach a small hole near the roof. You will get to a new room with the collectible.
39 – The research point is by one of the glass towers of the building. Start off by taking control over a jumper and making your way to a roof. Find a chimney there, jump inside and travel through a shaft. You'll reach a room with a closed circuit terminal which you need to hack. Finish this puzzle by activating a quadcopter and remote hacking an antenna.
40 – The research point is on one of the tables on the upper level. You can easily get there when controlling Marcus.
41 – The research point is on the highest floor of the building, near a balustrade. Park a van or another vehicle at the base of this building and start climbing on higher blocks when playing as Marcus. Continue moving to the collectible (along the way you will have to climb and jump down several times).
42 – The research point is on the roof of a small building. Activate the jumper. Jump on top of a solar panel attached to the ground and then on the roof. Enter the shaft with a jumper to locate a router.
43 – The research point is tied to an antenna on the roof. In order to hack in you must first locate four close circuit terminals (red lines in NetHack mode). Two terminals are easily accessible. The third terminal is behind wooden boards - smash them with a car. The fourth terminal is in a barricaded room - use a jumper to get there.
44 – The research point is tied to an antenna on the roof. Find a hole in the roof of one of the tunnels of the building. Locate a forklift nearby and park it under this hole. Use a jumper to get on top of the forklift and then to get to the hole. Enter a shaft and star moving until you reach a hackable grating. Hack a closed circuit terminal with a jumper and then switch to quadcopter to fly over to the antenna.
45 – The research point is on the roof and first you must reach a closed circuit terminal with a jumper. Make your way to an adjacent building and then perform a jump towards the one with the collectible. After you've hacked the terminal manipulate the elevator to move down and go back up with Marcus. Take the briefcase.
46 – The research point is inside the hospital. Park an ambulance by the part of the roof located to the left of the main entrance. Reach this upper level with a jumper and enter a ventilation shaft. The secret is at the end of the tunnel.
47 – The research point is inside a briefcase on a square which is a restricted area. Sneak over there with a jumper.
48 – The research point is on the roof of an enormous building. Fly over there with a quadcopter and perform a remote hack on an antenna.
49 – The research point is under the freeway. Get there using a quadcopter and perform a remote hack of the antenna.
50 – The research point is on the roof. Find a locked gate and jump above it using a jumper in order to reach a red terminal (be careful - this is a restricted area). You may now activate the quadcopter and perform a remote hack on the antenna.
51 – The research point is at the back of the house in a restricted area. Sneak over there with a jumper. The collectible is being observed by a camera and you can ignore it (act fast) or disable it.
52 – The research point is near the roof of the skyscraper. Use a lift to reach a hackable device and begin a mini-game tied to the network bypass. After you've solved the mini-game use a quadcopter to hack an antenna.
53 – The research point is on the building's roof. Find a lift in a side alley and use it to reach the roof with Marcus. Here you must activate a jumper and use it to jump over the fence next to the locked gate. The collectible is on the ground.
54 – The research point is in an alley between buildings which is a restricted area. You must sneak in or fight your way to the upper level where you'll find a closed circuit terminal. Gaining access will allow you to hack an antenna attached to a building wall.
55 – The research point is on the building's roof. Use the NetHack mode to locate two closed circuit terminals nearby (one of them is in the restricted area!). Hack into them. Go to the roof afterwards and use a jumper to enter a small shaft and to get to a router.
56 – The research point is on a roof of a huge tank. Hack a nearby crane and enter a cage which is attached to it while playing as Marcus. Move the cage to the tank's roof and use a jumper to reach it. Continue controlling the jumper to pick up the collectible.
57 – The research point is in a small fenced off area near the freeway. Begin on the freeway and make a jump using the jumper so that you'll fly over the fence. The briefcase is on the ground.
58 – The research point is in the restricted area under the freeway. Sneak into this location using a jumper and find a red terminal on a wall of one of the buildings. Once you've gained access to the system you can use a remote hack on the antenna.
59 – The research point is tied to the antenna attached to the building, but you must gain access to the system first. Activate the jumper, get to the roof and find a hole hidden behind two barrels. Hack into the red terminal. The last action is to perform a remote hack on the antenna.
60 – The research point is in the office on the upper floor and the entire building is a restricted area (gangsters and guard dogs). Hack one of the gates and find a red terminal on the ground level. Once you've hacked in head upstairs using a jumper or controlling Marcus. There's a security camera above the collectible. Ignore it (be quick) or disable it.
61 – The research point is on the roof of the building in the construction site. You can head over there with a quadcopter and a remote hack (if you're having problems with quadcopter's range help yourself out by taking control over the crane).
62 – The research point is on the roof of the building. Start controlling a jumper and make your way to the roof of one of the nearby buildings. You must now use the jumper to travel between roofs. You'll eventually end up on a roof with the closed circuit terminal. Break in and then activate the quadcopter to remotely hack the antenna.
63 – The research point is in a briefcase in a small construction site. A single guard should be stationed here - you can avoid him or eliminate him.
64 – The research point is at the top of the Blume Arena. You must solve a harder version of the network bypass mini-game (limited time for making moves). All the necessary steps needed to solve the mini-game are in the description in our guide.
65 – The research point is in a tunnel under the freeway and this is a restricted area. You can attack nearby enemies, use hacking to your advantage (hack cars and other objects) or try to sneak in (swimming or using a jumper).
66 – The research point is inside one of the bunkers in the fort which is a restricted area. It's best to sneak over there with a jumper.
67 – The research point is in the fort which is a restricted area. You'll find it inside a small room with a computer on the ground level and you should sneak in using a jumper.
68 – The research point is in a small campsite near the freeway and it's a restricted area. You can attack enemies or sneak in using a jumper (the collectible is on the pipes).
69 – The research point is on the mansion grounds and it's a restricted area. Locate a red terminal and reach it with a jumper (begin at a nearby gate). Once you've gained access use a remote hack on an antenna attached to a building wall.
70,71 – The research point 70 is on a large balcony of the mansion and this is a restricted area. Reach the balcony with a jumper and neutralize a single guard or wait for him to leave. You must also watch out for a security camera - it's best to temporarily disable it.
The research point 71 is on the roof of an apartment complex. Get to the inner courtyard and use a nearby lift to reach the floor with the red terminal. Hack in and then perform a remote hack on the antenna.
72 – The research point is on a high balcony. Locate an alley with a lift and use it to get to the roof. Drop down from the roof to the balcony.
73 – The research point is on a blue structure in the restricted area. Fly over there with a quadcopter to do a remote hack.
74 – The research point is on the roof of the building. Hack the elevator and bring it down. You must now reach the lower part of the roof - move the truck and climb on top of it. After you've entered the elevator go back up.
75 – The research point is an antenna attached to the tower of the Oakland City Hall. IT'S IMPORTANT that you begin on the roof where you've found research point number 74. Activate the quadcopter and fly towards the antenna (if you were to begin on the ground then the range of the quadcopter would be unsufficient).
76 – The research point is on the building's roof. The best method is to fly over there using a quadcopter in order to perform a remote hack.
77 – The research point is inside a ventilation shaft. Look around at the base of the building to find a hole. Fly inside with a quadcopter and head through the tunnel to reach the collectible.
78 – The research point is on the roof. Climb to reach the lower part of the building and switch to a jumper after you encounter a locked gate. Start jumping on large ventilation shafts attached to the left wall and reach the red terminal. After you've unlocked the gate resume moving as Marcus. Get to the elevator, bring it down and use it to reach the roof.
79 – The research point is by the window in a fenced off area. Park a larger car near the fence, use a jumper to get on top of the vehicle and jump over the fence.
80 – The research point is at the top of the high voltage pole, but first you must get to the red terminal located at the base of it. Use a jumper - jump on top of a nearby building and then over a wall surrounding the pole. Once you've gained access fly over towards the collectible with the quadcopter.
81 – The research point is on the building's roof behind a billboard. Get there using a quadcopter and do a remote hack.
82 – The research point is inside a platform floating the water. Once you've reached the platform activate the jumper and jump into a hole located in its center.
83 – The research point is in a shaft on the roof of the Climbax Equipment Co. building. Activate a jumper and get on top of a nearby metal structure. Use this structure to get the roof and find the shaft leading to the collectible.
84 – The research point is in the Regwell Gun Range which is a restricted area. It's a briefcase in one of the main wooden structures and it's best to sneak over there with a jumper after creating some distraction.
85 – The research point is in a small fort and it's a restricted area. Locate the briefcase with the collectible and sneak in using a jumper.
86 – The research point is in the restricted area. Open the gate and start moving towards the briefcase with the collectible using a jumper. Avoid detection along the way.
87,88 – The research point 87 is in a room where there's a secret marijuana cultivation. You can get there by using a jumper and jumping through a very small hole in the wall.
The research point 88 is in a small restricted area. You'll find it in a dark corner next to a building wall and it's best to sneak in with a jumper.
89 – The research point is inside the building. Reach a fenced off area. You must jump over the fence using a jumper and climbing on top of a nearby forklift will help in doing that. Once you're in the inner area locate a small hole near the ground and drive through it.
90 – The research point is in a small restricted area at the back of the houses. There are enemies and a guard dog here. Use a jumper and travel to the briefcase with the collectible after you've opened the gate.
91 – The research point is inside the building. Find a red terminal at the base of this building and use a jumper to reach it. After that get to the roof thanks to hacking a neary lift. Head inside a new shaft with the jump. Travel through several small rooms until you reach the one with the router.
92 – The research point is under the building by the water. You must destroy some of the wooden elements using explosives or similar means. After that find a tunnel leading to the collectible and head inside while controlling a jumper.
93 – The research point is under a small pier. Get to the end of the pier and destroy wooden covers by the water. Head inside using a quadcopter and use this gadget to get to the hackable device.
94 – The research point is on the building's roof. Find a closed door nearby. You must jump over the door - use the jumper and begin on a nearby freeway. After a successful jump hack the red terminal. You may now use a quadcopter to get to the satellite dish.
95 – The research point is on a roof of a house. Fly over there using a quadcopter and perform a remote hack.
96 – The research point is in a very small restricted area. You'll find the collectible under the stairs of a house.
97 – The research point is on the roof of a high building. Get there using a quadcopter and do a remote hack on the antenna.
98 – The research point is on a scaffolding by the building and it is a restricted area. It's best to collect the briefcase using a jumper.
99 – The research point is under the bridge in the park. It's on the ground between two benches.
100 – The research point is on the balcony of a small building. Hack a nearby lift and reach the balcony with Marcus.
101 – The research point is attached to the top of a large windmill. You can easily do a remote hack from the ground.
102 – The research point is on the roof of the skyscraper. Use remote hack to bring down an elevator, enter the elevator as Marcus and go back up. Activate a jumper here and jump to a nearby roof (it's good to use boost). Find a red terminal. Once you're in the system recall the jumper to Marcus and use the jumper to enter a small shaft.
103 – The research point is on a small balcony of a house. Hack a nearby lift so that you can reach the balcony without any problems.
104 – The research point is in the restricted area. You don't have to use the jumper, because you can fly over there with a quadcopter and do a remote hack.
105 – The research point is inside a garage at the back of the house. Activate the NetHack mode and switch to a camera located inside the garage. After that perform a remote hack.
106 – The research point is inside a small stone object. Get there with a quadcopter, fly inside and change the position of the camera to look down.
107 – The research point is in a small campsite hidden by the rocks.
108 – The research point is inside an orange container on a platform on the water. You can reach the platform using a boat. Once you're on it activate the jumper and jump inside the container.
109 – The research point is in a small restricted area. You don't have to infiltrate this area with Marcus on the jumper. Instead get there with a jumper and do a remote hack on the router.
110 – The research point is inside the building. Find a ladder to get to the roof and then locate an opening in the ventilation shaft. A jumper may use it.
111 – The research point is in a briefcase inside the building in the restricted area. You can enter this building through a hole in its roof.
112 – The research point is in the restricted area. Get there using a jumper - first jump on top of a truck and then over the fence. Hack the red terminal and then locate an opening leading to a shaft. The secret is at the end of the shaft.
On the above map, we've highlighted places where Research Points can be found. This is one of the most important types of secrets in Watch Dogs 2, since they will help in the development of Marcus by quickly providing access to new skills. Each secret you find means one Research Point added to your account.
- You can locate the secrets yourself as well. After activating the NetHack mode, the locations of the nearest collectibles will be automatically added to the map (black skull icons stand for the Research Points).
- Before beginning the hunt for Research Points, think about unlocking the jumper and quadcopter, as well as the following skills: Environmental RC (remote hacking of lifts, cranes, etc.), and Enhanced Spring (the jumper bounces higher).
Every research point has a short description on our map, which can help in finding it. Below, you can find tips on acquiring the points from the set 1-61, which are the most challenging to obtain. More secrets are desribed on the next page.
Research point #7

This point can be found in a briefcase found on the roof of Proviblue Bank. When near the bank, look for the lift shown on the picture above and use remote hacking. Drive the lift to one of the walls (as above) and rise it as high as you can. Then activate the jumper and use it to get to the higher portion of the building.

After reaching the new place, you have to look for the entrance to the vent shaft (above). You have to drive through the whole shaft - it will lead you straight to the briefcase.
Research point #9

This point is obtainable in an inaccessible place on a roof of a building. Begin by looking around the neighborhood for a lift that you could hack. When you do, drive it close to a wall, climb onto it with Marcus and make your way up to the roof. Now activate the jumper and drive into the hole marked above. You will reach a closed circuit terminal that can be hacked with the jumper.

Now get back to the main area of the roof and look for the vent shaft show on picture 1. Open it and enter the shaft, which will lead you to the hideout showed on picture 2.
Research point #12

This point can be found under a mid-sized wooden building with an anchor emblem on it. You have to activate the jumper and find the entrance shown on picture 1. At the end of it, you'll find your secret.
Research point #14

This point is hidden under a pier - easily accessible when playing Marcus. Jump into the water when you'll be a little bit West from your destination. Swim underneath the pier, as shown above. Swim for a bit, until you find a wooden platform that you could climb onto.

You have to reach that big pipe shown above. Use explosives to destroy the planks, which are obstructing the entrance. That's how you'll unlock the way to the secret (you can remotely hack the grate as well).
Research point #17

This point is inside a building. Look around the neighborhood for the stairs shown above, which - with addition of some climbing - will let you reach the roof.

Jump onto the neighboring roof and locate the vent shaft shown above. Enter the shaft with the jumper. The collectible is at the end of the tunnel.
Research point #19

This point is in a secret area inside a building. The location can only be reached with the jumper. Walk around that building to locate the grate shown on picture 1. Enter it with the jumper. During your drive inside it, you will have to make a jump to get to a higher portion of the shaft. The area with the collectible is shown on picture 2.
Research point #21

This point can be found on the roof of Haum Data Center, which you might've already visited during one of the quests. The whole location is a restricted area, so you need to watch out. Examine the Northern side - look for the lift shown above. Use remote hacking to take it down.

Enter the lift and get back on the roof. The remaining part is easy. The research point is in a briefcase left near a table, as pictured above.
Research point #24

This research point is placed in a closed room located in the area of an underground parking lot. Hack the gate in order to reach the parking lot. You do not have to look for the closed circuit terminal. Instead, use the quadcopter and fly it up to the small entry hole above the doorway. Placing the quadcopter in a similar position as the one shown in the picture above, will allow you to perform a remote hack and gain the access code. Now you can open the door and take the suitcase with the research point.
Research point #25

This research point is located on a large balcony, on one of the higher floors of a tower block. Do not try to reach it from the bottom of the building, but instead, head over to the nearby garden, which is located near the roof of the previously mentioned building. You can use the road shown in the picture above to reach the garden.

Afterwards, localize the small ramp shown in picture 1, which will allow you to make the jump. Try to steal any bike, or a similar mean of transportation, and prepare for the jump. Make sure that you are not going too fast, as you have to break and stop before you fall off of the balcony with the research point (picture 2).
Research point #27

This research point is located inside a construction site in the middle of a currently constructed building. Reach the interior of the building and climb up to its higher floor. Here you have to localize a small hole in the wall, shown in the picture above. It is your task to make the jumper reach the hole, and unfortunately, this requires quite a lot of precision, as the jumper will often simply bounce off of the wall. Use surrounding objects (e.g. the yellow cement mixer) or the boost in order to achieve a perfect flight path for the jumper. After reaching the tunnel, drive through it. You will find the research point at the end of the ventilation shaft.
Research point #33

This research point is located on the roof of the main building of a petrol station. Localize a ramp placed in the vicinity of the station, that is shown in the picture above. Use a motorcycle or a similar mean of transportation, to perform (not a very long!) jump, which will end with a landing on the platform above the fuel dispensers.

After a successful landing turn right and jump to the roof of the main building. Hack into the closed circuit terminal shown in the picture above. You can now use hacking on the antenna, placed on the highest part of the roof.
Research point #35

This research point is located on a roof of a very tall building, but you have to start ascending from its very base. Look around the area to find the ladder shown in the picture above. Here you will start the climb, which will end with Marcus reaching a red closed circuit terminal. Hack into the system.

Activate the quadcopter and fly it onto the roof of the building (you should be within the quadcopter's range, unless you have descended in the meantime). Open the door shown in the picture above, and then hack the router located behind the door.
Research point #38

This research point is located in one of the rooms of a currently constructed building. The entire area is a off-limits and it is best to infiltrate it with the jumper. Reach the building with the jumper and drive down the stairs to the basement (as shown in the picture above).

After you reach the basement, take note of the very small hole by the ceiling, shown in the picture above. You have to use a jumper with the Enhanced spring skill unlocked, in order to reach the opening in a perfect fashion. If need be, use the boost to aid you, starting e.g. by the stairs. After a successful jump, squeeze through the hole. In the other room you will find the suitcase with the research point.
Research point #39

This research point is located on the top of a building with two towers, but in order to acquire it, you will have to go through some major preparations. Begin by activating the jumper and find a wall, with several objects on its surface, as shown in the picture above. Use these objects to climb the wall and reach the roof of the building.

After you reach the roof, find the small vent shown in the picture above, and jump into it with the jumper. Complete the linear journey through the ventilation shafts, thanks to which you will end up inside one of the towers. There is a closed circuit terminal here, which you have to hack. After you achieve that, activate the quadcopter, fly up to the tower and perform a remote hack on the antenna attached to the tower.
Research point #41

This research point is located on the highest floor of a building near the balustrade, and you will be able to reach it while playing with Marcus himself. The hardest task is finding the correct spot, in which you will start your climb. It is shown in the picture above - you have to park a large vehicle (e.g. a van) by the stone walls and climb onto them. Later on, Marcus will have to climb or jump down to lower ledges, but it will not be very challenging at all.
Research point #44

This research point is located on the roof of a building, but in order to reach it you will have to perform multiple additional tasks. Look around in the vicinity of the building to find a forklift, and start controlling it via a remote hack. Drive the vehicle into one of the tunnels inside of the building and park it by the opening in the ceiling shown in the picture above. Activate the jumper, use it to jump onto the forklift and then jump into the opening.

After the jumper is already in the area above the tunnel, drive into the ventilation shaft. Continue your journey until you reach the grate shown in the picture above. Hack it, jump down to the room below and hack into the terminal. At the end, take control over the quadcopter and fly it up to the roof, in order to hack into the newly unlocked antenna.
Research point #45

This research point is located on a roof, and firstly, you will need to reach a terminal, that is located a bit lower, with the jumper. Pay attention to the neighbouring building shown in picture 1. Jump onto the solar panel and then onto the roof. Begin your trek along the roofs until you reach the spot shown in picture 2. Here you should use the jumper's boost and bounce in order to reach the balcony. Drive around it to locate the closed circuit terminal.

After you hack into the terminal, you should use the remote hack in order to hack the lift shown in the picture above. Bring it down, step onto it with Marcus, and then bring it back up. You can now take the suitcase with the research point from the roof.
Research point #55

This one is located on a roof, however, you need to find two closed-circuit terminals beforehand. Activate NetHack mode and follow the red lines. One of terminals is near the stairs in the restricted area (sneak through or kill the guards); the other one is the other section of the roof. After hacking both of them reach the place marked by the game, and take the jumper into the shaft shown above. Since you've done your hacking already, the only thing you have to do is drawing the two grates aside and reaching the router placed at the end of the tunnel.
Research point #56

This point is on the roof of an enormous, seemingly inaccessible silo. A construction site is in the vicinity of this location - you have to use a crane that can be found there. Lower the man basket of this crane, take Markus inside and move the basket as close to the silo as possible (shown above). Switch to the jumper and take a leap from the basket - it will be a formality from hereon.
Research point #57

The point number 57 is located in a small, fenced area near the highway. You have to begin on the highway, more specifically, in the area shown above (a fragment of concrete barrier is missing here). Take the jumper inside the fence (if you have problems, use the booster). You can take the suitcase
Research point #59

The research point is linked to the antenna attached to a building (glass man bridge), but first, you have to crack the system. Activate the jumper and reach the roof of the building (alternatively, you can make things easier by driving up to the roof in a car, and only then resorting to the jumper). On the roof, find the two barrels shown above - hit them or use explosives to uncover a passage hidden behind them. Enter the small room and hack the closed-circuit terminal. You can hack the antenna.
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