Level 1 - Thistle and Weeds | Secret collectibles - buttons Unravel Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Button 1
Before you jump on the second trampoline next to the birdhouse, jump down behind the tree. In the corner on the right there is a thistle bush. Grab it with the lasso and pull to the left to break the stem. Then you will be able to collect the button located there - it's a collectible item.
Button 2
The second button can be found near the sunflowers. It is lying on the ground next to the barrel, hidden behind the weeds.
Button 3
Walk towards the right wall at the tree with loops. If you look at it closely you will notice a small cavity and the red button inside. In order to collect it you must swing on the second branch and aim your jump from it so that you get into the niche. You might not succeed the first time around, but keep trying.
Button 4
Move the brick to the right side of the seesaw. This will allow you to collect the button hanging above it. You must use the lasso and the brick must be moved to the very edge of the seesaw.
Button 5
At the end of this level you will find the last button in the greenhouse. It is lying inside the flower pot hanging under the ceiling.