New York - part 4
Objective: Beat the target, to do a favour
Locate the target by using the map [072]. Just hit him a couple of times and you will complete the mission. Just look out not to kill him!
073 | 074 |
Press "Tab" and you will see a screen presenting the Carmine family [073]. You will have the info on the whereabouts of one of the soldiers.
Objective: Find and kill the Carmine family member
Remember that in order to permanently eliminate a soldier you must kill him in a specific way, following the kill conditions. Go to the car park where the soldier is - drive through the gate [074].
075 | 076 |
Get out of the car, grab him (both mouse buttons) and hold down "space" in order to strangle him [075]. After a while it will be all over and the soldier will be permanently eliminated (which you can see on the Carmine family screen). Find a phone and answer it [076].
Objective: Meet with Carmine in Richie's Tavern
077 | 078 |
Carmine got your message and wants to meet at Richie's Tavern. Go there, but don't forget to take a gun and some ammo with you (you can get those in your safehouse). Unfortunately you fell into a trap [077] - you'd be dead if not for a random policeman. Run to the roof using the stairs and get on the stairs behind [078].
Objective: Force your way through the cops
079 | 080 |
Go upstairs using them - kill the policeman that you will bump into [079]. Run through the roof to the next stairs [080] - jump over the small barriers by pressing "E".
081 | 082 |
Another cop will show up [081]. Run upstairs, there will be three more cops there. Remember that if one of your men falls you can reanimate him [082] (approach him and press "E") - if you have a medic on your team, he will do it for you.
083 | 084 |
Run to the designed points according to the green arrows and more cops will show up [083]. You're near the end; just kill three cops on the last roof [084].
085 | 086 |
Approach the stairs and the last policeman will shot up [085]. Go downstairs.
Objective: Jump through the window
Well, well - you're right next to your safehouse. Jump through the window ("E") into the apartment [086] and you won' have to worry about the cops anymore.
Objective: Find a phone and call the next contact
Use the phone at your apartment.
Objective: Meet with Michael Corleone at the compound
Get out of the apartment and go to the Corleone compound together with your soldiers - talk to Michael once you're there.
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