Everywhere - part 1 The Godfather II Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
You will find yourself in New York, but the action will from now on take place in every city in the game.
Objective: Find a phone and call the next contact
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You're on the airport, you shouldn't have any problems with finding a phone [259].
Objective: Meet with Michael and Fredo at the compound
Head to the Corleone compound. During the long talk, many things will be explained [260].
Objective: Talk with Michael Corleone
Talk with Michael a little bit more.
Objective: Talk with Tom
Tom is standing by the door - talk with him again.
Promote people in your family
Before you take on the mission, promote one of your capos to an underboss - I think I don't have to remind you that it would be great if he would have the most useful skills and gun skills. Afterwards promote one of your soldiers to a capo - follow the same rules. Generally speaking, try to do this in such a way, that your two capos and the underboss will have all the skills together and the highest gun skills. Of course fill up the empty positions. You have assembled a full family. Don't forget about upgrading and changing the guns to better ones.
Objective: Meet with Vincenzo Pentangeli in your safehouse in New York
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Go to your apartment in New York [261]. It seems that Vincenzo is gone and his bodyguard was shot [262].
Objective: Phone to Tom Hagen
Immediately use the phone and talk with Tom.
Objective: Investigate Vincenzo's disappearance
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You must now find out what happened. You will find a dozen people around the building to who you can talk to [263] (use the map). Every one of them will give you some information, unfortunately now everything will be true. When you will gather all the info you need you will have to decide where to go - you will find all the places on the map [264].
Objective: Find Vincenzo's kidnappers, but where?
Go to La Maison Rouge.
Objective: Interrogate Vincenzo's kidnappers
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You will find the kidnappers having fun on the upper floor [265]. You will get them to tell you where Vincenzo is being held with your fists (just like when you try to force a Business owner to cooperate with you).
Objective: Save Vincenzo Pentangeli
Go to the building site showed on the map [266].
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When you arrive, you will have to deal with some guards on top. Afterwards step through the door and head downstairs [267]. There you will have to eliminate some more easy guards [268].
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The last group of guards is behind the marked door [269]. Inside you will find Vincenzo Pentangeli [270], all safe and sound.
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Afterwards you will see a cut scene during which Vincenzo's presence will influence his brother to change his testimony during an interrogation [271].
Objective: Talk with Tom
Speak again about the whole thing with your consigliere.
Objective: Meet with Michael in the defence room
Go to the defence room, right next the interrogation hall. Michael will explain many things to you during the conversation [272].
Objective: Talk with Michael
Speak with him once more. He will inform you that he's leaving to Las Vegas and you have to tidy things up around here. It means eliminating every last enemy.