A1 – On the southern side of the building, on the roof, near the chimney stack.
A2 – On third post on the left side when looking at north direction.
A3 – On building wall, under the roof.
A – In the mouth of stone demon. You must fly in between teeth.
B1 – On the hummock, near tunnel entrance.
B2 – On mountain cliff, on the southern side.
B3 – On deck of the ship, on the stern, next to a chest.
B – On the stern of the ship.
C1 – On building wall, on the southern side, under a roof.
C2 – On a ledge under the bridge.
C3 – In the southern part of the building, on the roof, behind a hence, next to a circular hologram.
C – Under ground. You must fly between huge skull's teeth. You will find it west from this marking, it is hard to miss it. The chest is at the end of the cave.
D1 – In one of the underground tunnel's legs. Go under ground through the entrance west from the marking. While being underground walk through the first passage on the right.
D2 – On the inside of the brickwork, on the castle wall, next to a graveyard.
D3 – On the wall of the shanty, at the end of a street that is nearest to the Marshalling Grounds.
D – On roof of the central part of the prison, few levels below the top.
E1 – On a column, from building side.
E2 – Near a "Lust" banner, under a pentagram, on the eastern side of the pavilion. You must jump on the shop roof next to the banner.
E3 – On building roof, near a base of the chimney stack.
E – On the roof of a single building. Footbridge will fall after you walk on it.