Where to Find Chamber of Vessels in Last Epoch

Some tasks from Prophecies require Chamber of Vessels. If you do not know where it is located, our Last Epoch guide answers this question!

Dawid Lubczynski


Source: Last Epoch, developer: Eleventh Hour Games

Last Epoch is a hack and slash game, in which a big role is played by various items, strengthening your character. You can get them, among other things, by killing enemies, however, the drop is random. In order to make it easier to get a certain type of equipment, it is worthwhile to perform short tasks, called Prophecies. Some of them are related to the Chamber of Vessels location, although a substantial part of the community does not know how to get there. In our guide you will find out where this area is located.

Last Epoch – Where to find Chamber of Vessels?

To get to the Chamber of Vessels, you must first reach the 9th chapter of the game and complete the quest called "Apophis and Majasa" in Divine Era. This is the end of the main campaign, so you won't get there quickly. Your final destination is a Temple. The moment you get to the Upper Temple location, you must find an opponent named Diamond Matron, it is a snakelike creature. It will defend the entrance to the Lower Temple.

When you get inside, defeat the large wave of opponents and go down the stairs. After a while, a cutscene should start. Once it's over, proceed to the Majasa (Goddess of Opulence) boss arena. This is where the Chamber of Vessels is located.

If you are interested in more news about Last Epoch, read also:

  1. Stuck at 0 in Queue or Long Waiting Time Plague Last Epoch
  2. Prophecy in Last Epoch - Where to Find Siege Golem
  3. Last Epoch - Where to Find Void Horrors for Prophecy

Last Epoch

February 21, 2024

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Dawid  Lubczynski

Author: Dawid Lubczynski

He completed his first degree studies in journalism. His adventure with Gamepressure began in 2019 when he undertook the difficult art of writing complex game guides. Over the years, became a specialist genre; in his spare time, he reads about mixtures that will help him reduce stress after the thousandth death at the same stage of the game. A huge fan of fighting games (Tekken) who regularly participates in tournaments.

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