battle royale Latest news

Apex Legends' Steam Ratings Dropping; Game's Technical Condition Blame
The increasingly poor technical condition of Apex Legends is reflected in the game's reviews on Steam. The community is unforgiving and the criticism is starting to outweigh the positive voices.
video games
Paul Musiolik
October 10, 2021

Ubisoft Announces Frontline - Battle Royale in Ghost Recon Universe
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Ghost Recon series, Ubisoft announced a new title from the franchise. This time it will be a free battle royale game called Frontline.
video games
Adrian Piotrowski
October 5, 2021

Fall Guys Made it Into the Guinness World Records
Fall Guys made it to the Guinness Book of Records. It happened thanks to the PS4 version of the game, which turned out to be the most downloaded item in history among all titles made available in PlayStation Plus.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
September 25, 2021

Apex Legends' Server Problems - Respawn Comments
Respawn Entertainment reports that player disconnection issues in Apex Legends could disappear in two days with a major update.
video games
September 20, 2021

Controversial Movement Method Will Remain in Apex Legends For Now
Respawn announced that the removal of tap-strafing from Apex Legends will come later than planned. The reason for this decision is a desire to more thoroughly test how deleting the tech will affect overall movement mechanics.
video games
Agnes Adamus
September 13, 2021

Open World and Survival - PUBG Dev is Working on a Huge Game
A few days ago, PUBG creator and „father” of the battle royale genre Brendan „PlayerUnknown” Greene left Krafton and founded the independent studio PlayerUnknown Productions, which is to create the game Prologue, announced in 2019. The developer is aiming for survival mechanics and a giant open world.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
September 6, 2021

Respawn Removes Tap-strafe From Apex Legends and Stirs Controversy
Respawn will remove the tap-strafing technique from Apex Legends in the upcoming update 10.1, which has sparked quite a bit of controversy among gamers.
video games
September 1, 2021

Fortnite's New Event Features the Speech of Martin Luther King Jr
Fortnite does not cease to surprise. Another well-known figure who appeared in the battle royale game is Martin Luther King Jr. His presence is associated with the event „March through time”.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
August 26, 2021

Warzone Devs Challenge Cheaters; End of Multi-accounting?
The creators of CoD: Warzone announce a ruthless fight against cheaters with a new anti-cheat. Within one day over 100 thousand accounts were banned and it seems that cheaters will not be able to create new ones so easily.
video games
Michal Ciezadlik
August 26, 2021

Free Vampire The Masquerade Bloodhunt Coming to Steam Early Access in September
On the opening day of GamesCom, we learned the release date for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt in Steam Early Access and watched a trailer showing the Toreador clan in action.
video games
Adrian Werner
August 25, 2021

Warzone Got a New Anti-cheat; It Worked Only for a Few Days
For a time, it looked like Activision finally started dealing with cheaters in Call of Duty: Warzone. Cheaters themselves started complaining about the wave of bans. Unfortunately, this success was short lived.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
August 24, 2021

Impostors is Fortnite's New Mode Inspired by Among Us
Epic Games' billion-dollar game Fortnite added an Impostors mode, inspired by last year's popular hit Among Us.
video games
August 17, 2021

The Last of Us 2 Could Have Gotten a Battle Royale Mode
Naughty Dog may have been working on a battle royale mode for The Last of Us 2, info found by a data miner suggests.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
August 17, 2021

Epic Trolled Fortnite Data Miners
As it turns out, speculations about a crossover between Fortnite and Family Guy were debunked. The alleged Peter Griffin skin turned out to be only a joke by the creators.
video games
Michal Ciezadlik
August 13, 2021

Apex Legends' Lead Designer Laid Off for Blog Entries From 2007
One of the main designers of Apex Legends has been fired. The reason is controversial posts he published fourteen years ago on a blog.
video games
Adrian Werner
August 13, 2021

Naraka: Bladepoint Launches on PC - Thousands of Players on Servers
Today, the full version of Naraka: Bladepoint, an online TPP action game focusing on melee combat, was released on PC. The title enjoys considerable popularity - at the hottest moment, more than 70 thousand people were playing the game.
video games
Milosz Szubert
August 12, 2021

Fortnite as Open-world RPG? Leaked Image May Hint at New Gameplay Mode
Circumstantial evidence has emerged that suggests Fortnite will get an open-world mode reminiscent of RPGs.
video games
Ignacy Ziarkiewicz
August 11, 2021

Ariana Grande's Fortnite Concert Was a Huge Hit; Recording Now Available
Ariana Grande gave a concert in Fortnite. Rift Tour was prepared on a grand scale, which was appreciated by the community, crowding the servers.
video games
Paul Musiolik
August 8, 2021

PUBG as F2P? Upcoming Free Week Could be a Test
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds may follow in the footsteps of Fortnite: Battle Royale. The developers have confirmed a free week in the game, which could be a test before the game switches to free-to-play.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
August 6, 2021

Ariana Grande's Fortnite Tour Coming This Weekend
Fortnite is hosting a special event this weekend. Ariana Grande will perform several concerts on the virtual stage. The event will run from August 6 to 8.
video games
Michal Ciezadlik
August 6, 2021