battle royale Latest news

District 9 Director Will Use His Talent in Battle Royale Game
We've learned the title of the game developed by Neill Blomkamp - the film director known for District 9, among others - a cyberpunk „battle royale 2.0” called Off the Grid.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
May 5, 2022

Bloodhunt - How to Add Friends?
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt is one of those games that is best played with friends. This guide will show you how to invite them to play.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
April 29, 2022

Fortnite Sees Return of Long-lost Items
Something old, something new, something borrowed. Long-lost items have returned to Fortnite - including jet packs, which have undergone a minor makeover.
video games
Sonia Selerska
April 13, 2022

$144 Million for Ukraine Collected Through In-game Fundraising
Epic Games has donated Fortnite proceeds from the past two weeks to Ukraine. A total of $144 million was raised.
video games
Milosz Szubert
April 5, 2022

Building Stays in Fortnite; Tim Sweeney Announces Big Changes to Creative Mode
Building stays in Fortnite. Tim Sweeney has announced that there will be some big changes to the creative mode.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
April 4, 2022

Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodhunt Release Date
Sharkmob announced that Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt, a free-to-play battle royale game set in the World of Darkness universe, will officially debut on April 27, this year. The title had been in early access since September 7, 2021.
video games
Milosz Szubert
April 1, 2022

Fortnite Without Building; New Game Mode Made Permanent
A new gameplay mode that removes the ability to build has been released in Fortnite. This time, it will be available permanently.
video games
Agnes Adamus
March 29, 2022

Fortnite Without Building is Here to Stay; There's Evidence
The ability to build has disappeared from Fortinte and apparently it will remain so. Data miners have found evidence of other modes with this restriction.
video games
Miriam Moszczynska
March 25, 2022

Biggest Leak in Apex Legends History; 9 New Legends Revealed
Gigabytes of information and videos about the alleged future content of Apex Legends have been leaked online. We learned about the skills of nine new Legends and the appearance of six new maps, among other things.
video games
Michael Zegar
March 23, 2022

No More Building in Fortnite; Revolutionary Changes in New Season
Another season has begun in Fortnite. Many changes have been made to the game, notable among which is the removal of the ability to build.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
March 21, 2022

CoD: Warzone Devs Explain the Game's Bad Condition
„We screwed up,” said representatives of Activision, Infinity Ward and Raven Software when sumarizing the problems of Call of Duty Warzone after the December update. They also promised that the game will be fixed.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
February 12, 2022

Apex Legends Breaks New Record on Steam Despite Recent Controversy
The boycott of expensive skins in Apex Legends did not translate into a weaker debut of season 12. On the contrary - the game set a new activity record on Steam.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
February 10, 2022

Fortnite Without Steam Deck Update; Tim Sweeney Explains
Unfortunately, you won't be able to play Fortnite easily on Steam Deck. Epic Games has no plans to update the game with Valve's hardware in mind.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
February 8, 2022

Tom Henderson on Future of Call of Duty; Two Parallel Development Branches
Renowned leaker Tom Henderson has shared a ton of new information about Call of Duty: Warzone 2, plans for the sequel to the first CoD: Warzone, and how it all relates to Modern Warfare 2.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 30, 2022

Ubisoft Gives Up and Shuts Down Its Battle Royale Game
Hyper Scape will soon stop working. Ubisoft has announced that the servers of this battle royale shooter will be shut down in three months.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 28, 2022

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 Could Launch Next Year
According to a reliable source, work on Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is in progress. The game is expected to be released next year.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 26, 2022

Warzone Pacific Season 2 Delayed; Activision Needs Time for Patching
Activision has delayed the new season of Warzone to have more time to fix the game. The publisher seems to be listening to the community and will allocate the extra time to fix bugs and increase stability.
video games
Dawid Wanat
January 20, 2022

Fortnite Update 19.10 Launches Today; Tilted Towers Return
In a few hours, Fortnite will receive update 19.10e, and one of the new features will be the return of the Tilted Towers location to the map.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 18, 2022

Dave Curd: PUBG Is Free Not Because of the Competition
PUBG: Battlegrounds is finally available as a free-to-play game. The developers assure that this was an „independent” decision, unrelated to the success of competitive battle royales.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
January 12, 2022

PUBG Now Available for Free on Steam
PUBG: Battlegrounds has switched to free-to-play model. Maintenance is currently taking place on the servers, and free play will begin tomorrow.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 11, 2022