Star Wars: Battlefront Collection Surprizes With Size. Players Trying to Understand Why It Takes So Much Space
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection faces huge problems including large size and frame rate caps.

Yesterday's release of Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection did not go as the creators would have wished. At the moment, the production has only 19% positive reviews on Steam, and the main reason for this is the terrible technical condition.The biggest problems with servers were resolved by increasing their number and allowing players to host their own, and the developers issued an official announcement on this matter.
However, the troubles do not end there. Fans criticize, among others, the excessive amount of disk space required to install the game.
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection size
The PC edition of Battlefront Classic Collection takes 62 GB, although the official hardware requirements state 50 GB. The situation is even worse in the case of the Steam Deck version . There, there title requires 72 GB of free space. Even the Nintendo Switch version, which should take up much less space due to the console's specifications, requires downloading as much as 26 GB of data.
For comparison, the two classic versions of Star Wars: Battlefront, released almost 20 years ago, weighed a total of 7.3 GB. That's over 8 times less than the new edition.
What could be the cause? Steam players point out lack of compression of rescaled textures and cinematics. For example, a file that originally weighs 21 MB, here weighs as much as 210 MB.
FPS cap for server host
As if that wasn't enough, players report a problem with creating own servers. The game then caps at 30 fps, which is below many player's expectations.
The solution may be to enter the command "/tps xxx" in the console (where xxx is the value of the desired framerate cap). The community, however, rightly points out that such an important setting shouldn't be working this way.
It's also worth mentioning such minor details as poorly executed code, causing the inability for most Sith and Jedi to deflect blaster shots. One of the players even suggested a solution to the developers on the technical support website.
At the moment, Aspyr studio hasn't addressed any of these issues.