Star Wars Battlefront 2 Classic Collection - Crashes and Black Screen Explained
Some players experience crashes when they play SW Battlefront 2 from Classic Collection. Let’s talk about it.

Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection was released today and… it has some technical problems. The main issue was the small number of servers on launch, but it seems that at least this malfunction was fixed quite quickly, players still inform about some issues in this matter, though. Another problem is with the sound in both games. However, it is not the end of the story, as some players report black screens and crashes, especially in SW Battlefront 2.
Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection – Crashes and Black Screen Explained
Sadly, when we are talking about Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection and its release, we can’t ignore various issues. Many players were waiting for this title for a long time, and it seems that the final experience is not what they had hoped for. The situation is very well illustrated by Steam reviews, which are currently mostly negative (with only 19% of positive opinions) at the time of writing this text.
One of the problems which is troubling players is that the game crashes in various situation. The most iconic one is when fans try to filter servers to look for the Conquest mode. Another frequent case of malfunction is during launch, many players see a black screen for a few seconds and the game stops functioning as well. We recommend you watch out on that. It seems that at this point there is no fix to this problem. Developers definitely have a lot of things to do right now. Luckily, they seem to be active, as the sever malfunction seems to be solved partially. For now, we have to wait for further fixes, hopefully they will come sooner than later. Be sure to update the game, when you have a chance.