Sons of the Forest is Full of Absurdities; Here's a Few of Them

Sons of the Forest is an unfinished game, currently in early access, and because of this, it sometimes experiences absurd situations caused by the various shortcomings.

Adam Adamczyk


Sons of the Forest turned out to be a big hit, as evidenced by the fact that in the first 24 hours of its release the developers from Endnight Games sold more than 2 million copies of the game. The title is extremely popular, although there's no shortage of issues in the game due to early access. Some of them are so absurd that they are worth a closer look.

What does early access mean?

Before I outline some of the bizarre situations that I have witnessed, I must once again make it clear that the game is in the early access phase and is still unfinished. It is from here that the bugs, shortcomings or, at times, the poor level of AI of our companion Kelvin, about which I wrote recently, stems from. Therefore, you have to reckon with the fact that the game is still simply not finished. After launching it, in the upper-left corner of the main menu, there is an information that the next major update will appear in 9 days..

Weapon viewing animation

In Sons of the Forest we can use various types of weapons - from axe, through spear and bow to firearms. After acquiring a gun, it lands automatically in our backpack. When we equip it for the first time, our character will start to examin it from different sides.. The problem is that the animation cannot be interrupted, and sometimes because of this the situation shown in the video above can occur, when the player must fend off an attack with the gun, but fails to do so, because his character decided to admire the beauty of the gun instead of using it for self-defense. Pro tip for the future - after finding the gun, watch it right away so that later in the game you won't be disturbed by the animation.

Kelvin Coward the first

Kelvin is a good huy. He'll cut down a tree with his axe, and then bring the entire massive log on his own shoulders. So we have a picture of a strong man who is not afraid of anything, right? The problem is that our companion is either a coward or is a pacifist, and runs away from enemies instead of defending himself.

This is all the more strange because in the game we will also meet Virginia - a woman with three arms and three legs, who at first is afraid of our character and avoids it. However, if we give her a break and do not approach her with a gun in our hands, she will eventually change her mind, stop running away and we will be able to hand her a gun or even a shotgun, turning her into a terror of the island. I hope that in the future the developers will enable Kelvin to use weapons and the companion will be more than just a convenient cart ox.

A cure for everything

Attacked by enemies? Take a pill. Fallen from a height and barely survived? Pills will get you back on your feet. Fortunately for our castaway, the island is one big pharmacy, as medicines can be found in many places, such as containers and caves scattered in the area. So far, I'm having a great time in Sons of the Forest, but I can't hide the fact that I'm find the emphasis on survival lacking, because the only danger I feel is served by the enemies, from which, however, it is relatively easy to escape.

Food at every turn

You might think that a person who has barely survived a helicopter crash and finds himself in a very hostile environment would quickly starve to death. Nothing could be further from the truth. Food is abundant here, and animals sometimes seem to have a deathwish. After sleeping by the shore of the lake, I noticed several turtles walking around me. On the beach we very often meet seagulls, which are just waiting for us to throw weapons at them, and if by some miracle our larder remains empty, just ask Kelvin to catch a few(dozen) fish. So we are not in danger of starvation, but rather obesity..

So far for me Sons of the Forest is not the best survival game, because I'm used to the difficulties my beloved The Long Dark had me face, but I make no secret of the fact that despite being in early access and a ton of shortcomings I'm having a great time.. Maybe it's because I wasn't expecting anything in particular, and I haven't played The Forest from 2018, or maybe I just love to walk in the woods, cut down trees and put up wood houses.

Sons of the Forest

February 22, 2024

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Adam Adamczyk

Author: Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.

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