Satisfactory - DNA Points Explained
If you want to learn what DNA Points are in Satisfactory and how to acquire them, you've come to the right place. In this article we will tell you how to get Awesome Sink coupons.

Satisfactory is a game about building a huge factory, consisting of many machines that process even more ingredients. From simple single-lane constructions, elaborate multi-level complexes are formed over time, allowing to build various components. One of the machines present in the game is the Awesome Sink. It allows you to transform some things into points. For them you will receive coupons that can be used in the Awesome Shop for useful items. In this article we will tell you what DNA Points are and how to get them.
- What are DNA Points in Satisfactory
- How to get DNA points in Satisfactory
- How DNA points are converted
What are DNA Points in Satisfactory
DNA points is the currency with which you can purchase coupons. You will do this at Awesome Sink. In turn, you will acquire various useful items and blueprints at Awesome Shop with the coupons. DNA points are the same as regular Standard Points. The difference between them, however, is that the former are obtained from organic beings, while the latter are obtained from inanimate matter.
How to get DNA points in Satisfactory

In order to get DNA points in the first place you have to research the Alien DNA capsule. You will do this in MAM, Alien organisms tab. Before that, however, you must develop a study that allows you to obtain Alien proteins.
With the Alien DNA capsule already researched, you need to create a production chain to get at least one of your Constructors to start creating it. Next, connect the machine to the Awesome Sink. By processing the capsules you will be able to get a steady supply of DNA points.
How DNA points are converted
1 Alien DNA capsule allows you to acquire 1000 DNA points. These are converted differently than Standard points. Every 3 coupons purchased, you have to spend 1000 points more for each one. The table below shows this mechanic.
Coupons | Cost | Cost for 3 |
1-3 | 1000 | 3000 |
4-6 | 2000 | 6000 |
7-9 | 3000 | 9000 |
10-12 | 4000 | 12000 |
So, in total, you have to pay 30000 for the first 12 coupons bought with DNA points, which means you must process 30 Alien DNA capsules. The more coupons you obtain in this way, the more you will pay.