Farthest Frontier - How do wagon shops work
In this article we talk about how wagons work in Farthest Frontier. It is not the most straightforward mechanics.

Farthest Frontier is a city builder that has won the hearts of fans. Thousands of people play this title every day. The game is still being developed, but it is already capable of providing fun for dozens of hours. The title, however, is sometimes not entirely understandable. One of the mechanics that players have problems with is the wagon shop. In this article we present how it works.
What is a wagon shop in Farthest Frontier
Wagon shop is a building that you will be able to build as you upgrade your Town center to tier two. This building is necessary for the construction of mines. For this reason, therefore, it is very important. It is ideally suited for transferring raw materials between your settlement and remote work points.
How the wagon shop works in Farthest Frontier
The wagon shop operates automatically - it sends wagons when they are needed. They travel to mines and work camps. However, you must remember one thing - this is not a workshop that produces wagons all the time. A maximum of 2 people can work in this building. Each of them can build 1 wagon, which they will ride. This means that there are two vehicles per building.
So it is worth watching whether the doors from the Wagon shop are open. If they are, it means that the cart has nothing to do, so it is not necessary to build another building. However, if they are constantly closed, it means that workers are in the field and it is worth considering placing another workshop.
Remember that the game is in early access and the mechanics of the wagon shops may change over time. Supposedly, at one time this building could produce storage carts. These are wagons that serve as storage at the very beginning of a settlement. Currently, this possibility is blocked. But maybe in time it will return or the wagon shop will get a new functionality.