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News guides 29 August 2024, 06:47

author: Agnes Adamus

Risk of Rain 2 (RoR2) - Prayer Beads Explained

Risk of Rain 2 Seekers of the Storm introduced new item called Prayer Beads. From this guide you will learn what this object does.

Source: Risk of Rain 2 Seekers of the Storm, developer: Gearbox Software

Risk of Rain 2 is very well received mix of roguelike and 3D platformer game. Players explore many ”stages” and fight numerous different enemies. The longer your run, the more difficult it becomes. So, you must collect items that help you survive. Two days ago, a new DLC called Seekers of the Storm was released. It introduces a new villain, playable characters and most importantly (for this guide) – items like Longstanding Solitude. Usage of one of the fresh additions, an artifact called Prayer Beads, is unclear for the players. From this article you will learn what this object does.

Prayer Beads in Risk of Rain 2 (RoR2) Explained

Like I said earlier, Prayer Beads is one of the new items added in Seekers of the Storm DLC. It has very unique function because it helps improve your characters' statistics. How does it work? This item has its own XP counter. When you have this artifact, it will accumulate experience. The longer you have it, the higher level it reaches.

You should go to the Scrapper. These looking like trashcan objects appear in all environments, so you shouldn’t have problems with finding them. Next, you must scrap Prayer Beads in it to gain bonus to your characters statistics like maximum health and damage.

However, you must keep in mind, that this item will not give you bonus experience. So, you can’t use it to faster level up your character.

At the same time, you have to watch out, as the game has some technical issues and even some items are broken. Until problems are solved, you never know if the artifact works correctly.

Agnes Adamus

Agnes Adamus

Associated with since 2017. She started with guides and now mainly creates for the newsroom, encyclopedia, and marketing. Self-proclaimed free-to-play games expert. Loves strategy games, simulators, RPGs, and horrors. She also has a weakness for online games. Spent an indecent number of hours in Dead by Daylight and Rainbow Six: Siege. Besides that, she likes horror movies (the worse, the better) and listen to music. Her greatest passion, however, is for trains. On paper, a medical physicist. In fact, a humanist who has loved games since childhood.


Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm