Risk of Rain 2 (RoR2) - Shrine of Shaping Explained
Shrine of Shaping is one of the new additions to Risk of Rain 2. In this guide we will tell you what it does.
Risk of Rain 2 is in the spotlight right now thanks to the new DLC called Seekers of the Storm. It adds a lot of new content. For example, you can get new characters like the Chef and False Son. However, there are also mysterious items (like Warped Echo) and shrines. Let’s concentrate on the latter. Many players don’t know what Shrine of Shaping does. We will tell you.
Risk of Rain 2 - Shrine of Shaping Explained
Shrine of Shaping is one of the new additions to Risk of Rain 2. This enigmatic structure puzzles many players as it seems that it does nothing… Well, it takes your max HP, but it does not give anything in return. It is true only at first glance though; the truth is that it is quite useful shrine.
Shrine of Shaping, in exchange for portion of your max HP, gives resurrection on the present stage or an extra life, if all party members are healthy. All its effects end, when you switch stages. Without a doubt, it can be quite useful. An additional chance for you or your allies is a precious gift. However, we understand that many players are misled by this structure, as the reward is not easily observable, and you have to die to experience it (and we mostly try not to do that).
Moreover, there are some technical issues in the game after the update which make players wonder; like the problems with Warped Echo or the issue with acquiring the False Son. Both glitches are described in the linked above articles.
However, despite some, as we believe temporary, technical issues, the game is quite good. The proof of that is the fact that it has a spot on our list of the best roguelike titles 2023. What is more, it is a good time to buy the game, as it is on a sale right now.
More:How to Use Longstanding Solitude in Risk of Rain 2 (RoR2)