News 12 August 2022

CSGO Legend Challenges Valve, Says He Could Do Better
Oleksandr Kostylev, better known as s1mple, is a CS:GO legend. The Ukrainian player recently approached Valve Software with an extremely interesting proposal. How will the developers of the popular online shooter respond?
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
August 12, 2022

Total War: Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires With Epic Map Presentation Trailer
The release of Immortal Empires for Total War: Warhammer 3 is getting closer and closer, but before it happens, we can get a glimpse of the map we'll get to play on. The developers have released a long trailer.
video games
Krzysiek Kalwasinski
August 12, 2022

Beyond Good & Evil 2 is Alive But Far Away
We will probably have to wait a few more years for the release of Beyond Good & Evil 2, although we may hear about the game again much sooner.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
August 12, 2022

Valve Humbled; Fans Ported CSGO to Source 2 in 6 Months
A group of fans ported the basic elements of CS:GO to Source 2 in just a few months. How the project looks in action can be seen thanks to the extensive gameplay.
Files and Mods
Adrian Werner
August 12, 2022

New Alone in the Dark Leaked; First Screenshots
The iconic Alone in the Dark will return in a refreshed version. Screenshots from the new installment of the legendary franchise have leaked online.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
August 12, 2022

Cult of the Lamb Beat Spider-Man Remaster on Steam
The release of Cult of the Lamb took place yesterday, and the game is already successful. This is evidenced, for example, by the high number of active players on Steam or the high spot on the platform's bestseller list.
video games
Zuzanna Domeradzka
August 12, 2022

Tower of Fantasy (Tof) - Wanderer Creation Limit Reached. How to Fix It?
Some Tower of Fantasy players have encountered a rather troublesome error related to the „wanderer creation limit reached” message. In this guide you can find out how to deal with it.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
August 12, 2022

Let's Watch THQ Nordic Conference; Jagged Alliance 3 in Lineup
Today we will see another standalone show from THQ Nordic. It is expected to featureseveral new games, as well as provide fresh information on already announced titles, including Jagged Alliance 3 and Outcast 2: A New Beginning.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
August 12, 2022

Cyberpunk 2077 Patch Intensively Tested; Upcoming Patch Could be Significant
CD Projekt RED is preparing something big for Cyberpunk 2077 fans. The upcoming patch is the longest tested update in the game's history.
video games
Adrian Werner
August 12, 2022

Steampunk Survival Game Nightingale Delayed
The survival game Nightingale will debut in early access later than expected. Inflexion Games wants to refine the title, as well as transfer it to Unreal Engine 5.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
August 12, 2022