News 10 August 2022

Xbox Reveals What we Will See at gamescom 2022
Microsoft has announced what we can expect from the Xbox show at gamescom 2022. These will be presentations of titles announced some time ago.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
August 10, 2022

Tower of Fantasy Character Tier List
In this post you will find a list of the best characters in Tower of Fantasy.
video games
Agnes Adamus
August 10, 2022

Hottest Launch of the Month Approaching; Preload Begins
The preload of the free-to-play game Tower of Fantasy, the highly anticipated competitor to Genshin Impact, has launched. The title will be available from tomorrow on PC and mobile devices.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
August 10, 2022

LoL's New Sking are Boring? Look Like They're From Another Game
New skins in League of Legends were not to the liking of players. Riot Games is taking flak for the not-so-original look or resemblance to characters from other games.
video games
Miriam Moszczynska
August 10, 2022

Tower of Fantasy (ToF) Registration and Account Creation
Tower of Fantasy is an eagerly awaited game that will get its official release tomorrow. However, you can set up an account in the game now, and here you will learn how to do it.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
August 10, 2022

Star Citizen - Ship Showdown 2022 Info and Schedule
We are only 5 days away from the start of the Ship Showdown event in Star Citizen. Here you will find a schedule of the event and learn what it consists of.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
August 10, 2022

STALKER 2's New Creature Revealed Through Artwork
The STALKER universe will receive a new mutant - Bayun. Originally cut from Shadow of Chernobyl, it will make its way to STALKER 2.
video games
Jakub Tarchala
August 10, 2022

Marvel's Spider-Man PC Launch on Friday; Release Schedule
The release of the PC version of Marvel's Spider-Man is just around the corner. On this occasion, Insomniac Games has shared details related to Spider-Man's debut on PC.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
August 10, 2022

Fan Couldn't Wait for Proper Attack on Titan Game, so He Made His Own
An Attack on Titan fan by the handle Swammy has created an excellent free fan game called AoT Fan Game, which has been downloaded more than 10 million times.
video games
Adrian Werner
August 10, 2022

Action RPG With Fast-paced Combat and Dark Scenery; Unawake Trailer
Unawake is an upcoming game from RealityArts, featuring hellishly fast gameplay and settings straight out of Dark Souls. The title, due out in 2023, has just received its first trailer.
video games
Zuzanna Domeradzka
August 10, 2022

Did You Like Subnautica? Devs are Preparing a New Game
During gamescom, Unknown Worlds is expected to announce its next project. It will be a new science fiction IP.
video games
Adrian Werner
August 10, 2022

Promising Shooter From Former Battlefield Devs Delayed
The release of ARC Raiders has been delayed until 2023. The developers said they needed time to bring out the game's full potential. They also thanked their fans for their support.
video games
Damian Mista
August 10, 2022