News 19 January 2021

Manchester City and Juventus Coming to Fortnite
Football and Fortnite is a combination we wouldn't have expected. Epic Games has partnered with a slew of popular clubs and signed a deal with a living legend of football.
video games
Karol Laska
January 19, 2021

Rust Keeps on Growing and Breaking Records
Rust does not intend to stop and continues to attract a lot of players from around the world. The title celebrates a series of successes on Steam and beats the records it set for itself just beforehand.
video games
Karol Laska
January 19, 2021

Japanese Gamers Offended at Sony for Lack of PS5s
Shortages of PS5 persist all over the world. It would seem that in Japan - the home of Sony's console - the situation should be better. However, the opposite is true and this state of affairs has persisted for some time, which strongly annoys the local gamers.
hardware & software
Arkadiusz Strzala
January 19, 2021

Immortals Fenyx Rising May Get a Demo on Consoles and PC
Information suggesting that a demo of Ubisoft's Immortals: Fenyx Rising demo might launch on several platforms has been discovered in PlayStation Network's database. Unfortunately, so far we do not know how much it will weigh or what it will offer.
video games
Milosz Szubert
January 19, 2021

First Reviews: Hitman 3 - Nearly Perfect Stealth Game
Reviews of Hitman 3 have started appearing on the web and they clearly show that we're dealing with a very good game that skilfully develops the mechanics of the previous installments.
video games
Agnes Adamus
January 19, 2021

911 Operator Interactive Movie Announcement Trailer
Here's 911 Operator Interactive Movie, an intriguing combination of a game and a movie from the Polish team at Iron Wolf Studio. The first trailer of the game has appeared online.
video games
Karol Laska
January 19, 2021

Xbox Game Pass for End of January: The Medium, Control, Yakuza 3, 4 and 5
At the end of January Xbox Game Pass will gain a number of new games. Among them we can find The Medium, Desperados III and three remastered Yakuza games.
video games
Karol Laska
January 19, 2021

The Boys Season 3 Will Adapt the Most Controversial Story From the Original
If you haven't had enough controversy and fun with form in The Boys, listen to this. It's a little hard to believe, but the creators are working on making you feel even weirder. As such, they've confirmed that season 3 will adapt what is called Herogasm.
movies & tv series
Karol Laska
January 19, 2021

Everspace 2 With Good Reviews and High Sales on Steam
Yesterday's debut of Everspace 2 in Early Access turned out to be a success. The game received very good reviews from users and hit the top spot on Steam's bestseller list, ahead of Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Dead Redemption 2, among others.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 19, 2021

Bitcoin Will Reach the Million Dollar Mark?
Apart from the pandemic, the year 2020 has also brought another boom for cryptocurrencies. According to an expert, the most popular one among them, bitcoin, may reach a value of up to a million dollars a piece within a few years.
hardware & software
Bartlomiej Sagan
January 19, 2021

Ghostbusters 3 Makes Director of the Original Proud
Ivan Reitman, the creator of the original Ghostbusters, had the opportunity to preview the latest installment of the series directed by his son and the screening evoked many positive emotions.
movies & tv series
Karol Laska
January 19, 2021

Company of Heroes 2 64-bit Patch Improves Performance and Stability
Relic has released a new update for WWII strategy game Company of Heroes 2. Its main focus is to officially add support for 64-bit operating systems.
video games
Milosz Szubert
January 19, 2021

Minecraft and Minecraft: Dungeons with Common Launcher
Minecraft Java Edition has received an update that adds a new launcher that also enables us to launch Minecraft: Dungeons. The goal is first and foremost user convenience.
video games
Agnes Adamus
January 19, 2021

Patch 1.10 for Horizon Zero Dawn PC Goes Live; Guerrilla Focuses on Forbidden West
Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition on PC has received another update, numbered 1.10. As announced by the team at Guerrilla Games, now most of the manpower will be shifted to the development of Horizon: Forbidden West and the frequency of new patches will be reduced.
video games
Milosz Szubert
January 19, 2021

Fuse Joins Apex Legends Character Roster
On February 2, the eighth season of Apex Legends, called Mayhem, will begin. As part of it, a new character will be added to the title - explosives enthusiast known as Fuse.
video games
Milosz Szubert
January 19, 2021

Netflix's The Witcher is Filming Again, Lambert Tells Us
Paul Bullion, who plays Lambert in Netflix's The Witcher, has announced that work on season 2 has resumed.
movies & tv series
Karol Laska
January 19, 2021

Cyberpunk 2077 Heavily Discounted in the US
Retailers in the West - mainly in the U.S. - have begun discounting Cyberpunk 2077. The discounts are greatest for console editions, but also the PC edition is available for less than it used to be.
video games
Bart Swiatek
January 19, 2021

Denuvo Anti-Cheat Could Become Standard on Steam
Irdeto's anti-cheat solution, Denuvo Anti-Cheat, has been integrated with Steamworks tools, making it easier for developers to use the system in their games.
video games
Bart Swiatek
January 19, 2021

Ace Combat 7 Becomes Second Biggest Bestseller of the Series
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown has already sold 2.5 million copies, making the game the second biggest sales success in the history of the franchise. The first place is still held by Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies from PS2.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 19, 2021

Dota 2 Mod Comes Full Circle, Giving Us Auto Chess MOBA
Auto Chess MOBA, featuring characters from the popular auto battler, has been announced. Thus, the brand has come full circle, as it was born as a mod for Dota 2.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 19, 2021

PUBG-related Battle Royale to Debut Next Year
It looks like another battle royale game set in PUBG universe is coming to consoles and PC next year. Before that, a new mobile title associated with the franchise is scheduled to be released.
video games
Bart Swiatek
January 19, 2021