God of War Ragnarok Smaller Than Feared
The pre-loads of God of War: Ragnarok will launch tomorrow. It looks like the game will take up slightly less space on disk than suggested so far.

Any day now preorderers of God of War: Ragnarok will be able to pre-load this latest game from Santa Monica Studio. According to recent leaks, it was expected to take up as much as 118.5 GB on PS4 and 90.6 GB on PS5 - including the release patch. However, it is possible that its "weight" will be slightly smaller.
This is because, as reports Twitter profile of PlayStation Game Size - which regularly brings news on, among other things, the size of video games - the initial download of God of War: Ragnarok on PS4 will require a download of 106.817 GB of data, and on PS5 - 84.095 GB. This is still not little - as a reminder, let's add that the predecessor took up about half of that (i.e., about 45 GB) on disk - but those with a limited data limit will certainly appreciate even this small difference.

Of course, it should be reckoned with the fact that due to the possible patch, which will come out on the day of the game's release, its size may increase anyway. We will find out soon - the pre-load of God of War: Ragnarok it is supposed to be possible as early as tomorrow. On the other hand, the game itself will debut on November 9, 2022 - exclusively on PS4 and PS5. By clicking on the link below, you will go to the article, in which Kristian Smoszna shared his impressions after spending the first seven hours with the game in question. You will read his full review the day after tomorrow.