Mission 5 - Downtown | Walkthrough
Main Objectives:
- Exterminate the populace
- Kill the approaching army
Optional Objectives:
- Kill the politician
- Slay the customers of the cafe
- Shoot the people on the weapons exhibition
- Burn the money in the bank
- Visit the A-Phone premiere
Main Objective: Exterminate the populace
Optional Objective: Kill the politician

The next mission starts right next to an election rally - there are Molotov Cocktails next to your character as well. Additionally, it's a place in which you can complete a somehow hidden (as it's not shown on the side of the screen - there's only an icon on the radar, although it can simply be a mistake) optional objective - you have to kill the politician standing on the platform. You can, of course, start shooting at everybody present on the rally (especially given the fact, that you have to kill 150 people during this mission's main objective), but you should focus on the politician, so that he won't be able to run away from you. After killing him, you will be given a respawn point.
Optional Objective: Slay the customers of the cafe

Afterwards, head North-East, in the direction of the cup-like icon on the radar. After arriving at the place, you will be given the "Slay the customers of the cafe" optional objective. The objective is fairly simple and can be done in a matter of seconds - all you have to do is to simply throw a grenade inside, or shoot at the propane bottles hidden in the back of the store. It will trigger a chain reaction, blowing up the whole building and killing most, if not all, people inside the cafe. You will also be given a respawn point.

Don't forget to pick up the Molotov Cocktails located near the place where the propare bottles were. Afterwards, go South from the destroyed cafe - inside you will find a room with a Bulletproof Vest and an Assault Rifle. Additionally, it's a good place to hide from the pursuit that is certainly coming for you - wait for them to enter the building and swiftly kill all of them. Don't forget to pick their SMGs!
Optional Objective: Shoot the people on the weapons exhibition

Leave the building via the Eastern exit and head North, in the direction of an icon of a gun, to unlock another optional objective, "Shoot the people on the weapons exhibition". This time it will be the exhibition, not a den of dealers, meaning that most of people inside will be unarmed and completely harmless to you. There's no point to throw grenades inside, as nothing will explode together with them - go inside and exterminate everyone with your guns. Prepare for a huge wave of policemen / soldiers, that should be closing on your position.

The place you just cleared (unlocking a new respawn point) holds two new, and at the same time last weapons in the game - another Assault Rifle (AK-47) and a Rocket Launcher. The first one is almost identical to a typical assault rifle (the only difference is the type of ammo both weapons use), and there's a low amount of ammo available here (and you won't find this weapon again in the game), so you can just ignore it. The Rocket Launcher, as you've probably guessed, offers extreme firepower (being several times stronger than grenades), and fires at really long ranges, but it's not worth to pick it up during this mission, because you won't have any opportunity to refill its ammo (the only exception to this rule is when you are playing on the highest difficulty settings and numerous soldiers will start running carrying this gun).
Optional Objective: Butn the money in the bank

Refill your ammo, armor and health and head North, get on the other side of the bridge and turn to left, to yet another optional objective. After arriving at the bank, you will be given the "Burn the money in the bank" objective. It's one of those rare occasions in which you don't have to kill a single person to complete a quest. You have to get inside the vault and set the money on fire. There are numerous ways to do so - you can throw a grenade, fire a rocket, or simply use Molotov Cocktails. After the cash starts burning, you will be given another respawn point.

You can be fairly certain that your actions in the back will trigger an alarm and soon the place will be crawling with cops. Use Bulletproof Vests and ammo lying near the entrance to the vault to easily repel the attackers. Afterwards, heal off civilians, refill your ammo and armor and head North-East, to the last optional objective during this mission.
Optional Objective: Visit the A-Phone premiere

You will be given an objective titled "Visit the A-Phone premiere". "Visit" is certainly an understatement, as you have to kill everything that moves inside that building. Remember, that you don't have to chase those who left the building - all that needs to be done is to make the whole building clear, without a living soul inside, doesn't matter if you killed it, or let it run away. Afterwards you will be given a respawn point and you will have all the optional objectives completed.
Main objective: Kill the approaching army

If it didn't happen already, the counter representing the amount of people you need to kill should soon reach 0. At that moment you will be given a new, and final main objective - "Kill the approaching army". You will have to kill several dozens of soldiers, some of which will be equipped with rocket launchers (on the highest difficulty there will be lots of them with that weapon) - you must kill them as soon as you locate them, as a single rocket is enough to kill you, even when you have a full health bar.

Hiding in buildings won't help you at all, as the soldiers equipped with rockets launchers will demolish every single wall separating them from you, inflicting a huge amount of damage with each shot (hence all that optional objective work, so that you have several chances to respawn and try again). Car wreckages are good spots to hide behind - rockets won't reach you there, and the wreckages won't explode a second time. After you've killed the required amount of soldiers, scan around the map to collect ammo (Assault Rifles, SMGs and, if possible, Rocket Launchers) and body armor (remember, that you can find it in the bank, or on the weapons exhibition). Afterwards, head towards the yellow icon on the radar to finish the mission.
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