Mission 10 - The Terminal | Human campaign
1 – Starting point.
2 – Beta base.
3 – The direction in which to expand the base.
4 – The direction in which to expand the base.
5 – The direction in which to expand the base.
GN – Goo Nest.
Primary objectives:
- Destroy Goo forces.
- Defend Beta HQ.
Secondary objectives:
- Build Alpha.
- Destroy 8 Goo Nests.
In this mission, for the first, and the only time, you will have an ally. The Beta forces are to the North of your own [2]. The ally is smart but he may require some help at the very beginning. Therefore, while producing your first units, be prepared to send them Northwards, as a backup. Goo may attack Beta or leave them alone; it is different for each game. Either way, you should defend your ally for as long as he puts up a wall and man turrets. From that point on, you can take it for granted that the AI will take care of its business on its own. In spite of that, keep a team of Gladiuses at the base, just in case.
![While expanding the base, try to seize deposits, to the North of the Core, as soon as possible [3][4][5] - Mission 10 - The Terminal - Human campaign - Grey Goo - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/greygoo/gfx/word/526039708.jpg)
While expanding the base, try to seize deposits, to the North of the Core, as soon as possible [3][4][5]. In this mission, the opponent outnumbers you and he will launch strong attacks. For this reason, each mine is worth its value in gold. Near the marked deposits, there also is a narrow passage that is easy to defend. Block it off with walls and turrets, add a group of Gladiuses and remember to fix the damaged buildings on a regular basis. In reality, turrets and units only would do, but walls make the opponent stop, which always wins you several seconds to bring reinforcements there.
![By exploring the map, you will quickly locate the first Goo Nest [blue 1-8] - Mission 10 - The Terminal - Human campaign - Grey Goo - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/greygoo/gfx/word/526039723.jpg)
By exploring the map, you will quickly locate the first Goo Nest [blue 1-8]. They block access to the best deposits on the map. After you locate the first one, leave it alone. If attacked, it releases lots of enemy units. If you dispatch small forces there, they will quickly be shattered. The Goo Nest regenerates quickly and the remaining defenders will head for your base. Do not attack until you gather a strong army. You can either use Gladiuses, Howitzers and Scimitars, or Gladiuses only. In the latter case, you need around 20 of them. In the former case, tanks block off the enemy defenders and destroy them right after they appear, whereas artillery and bombers eliminate the Goo Nest. In the latter case the first line of tanks destroys the building, whereas the second one takes on the defenders.
In itself, the building is easy to destroy. It has lots of health points, but its armoring is weak. The only problem are the defending units. If you are capable of destroying them fast, destroying the building should not be a problem.

The enemy forces occupy the Western and the Northern part of the map so, the direction in which you attack is up to you. If your ally tries to attack from the north, the best thing to do will be to attack from the south. Thanks to this, you make the Goo split their forces. Always move in strong groups, use air reconnaissance and do not attack the Goo Nest without appropriate preparations. At the same time, do not hesitate to destroy Mother Goos. You can find especially many of them near your base, especially later into the mission. This is so, because deposits on the enemy's ground are exhausted. In such a situation, Mother Goos head towards new ones, even if they have been seized by you.
During the mission, you will be receiving a report of an exceptionally big Goo unit. This means that the enemy has built a Purger, which is currently heading your way. The unit moves alone and it is an immense threat to your ground units. However, its speed of attack is low, it cannot engage airborne targets and its mobility is low. Apart from that, it is all by itself, because the AI does not provide it with backup. Therefore, you will only be able to destroy it with a mass attack of ground and air forces. You only need to watch out for the Purger's AoE attack, which is capable of wiping out most of your units, in the blink of an eye. What proves helpful, while fighting the unit is Alpha.

Building Alpha, just like any other elite unit, requires lots of resources and time. To create an Alpha, you are going to need a factory with all four Attachments. To build one, you are going to require appropriate arrangement of Conduits (see the below screenshot). First, you need to build the Conduits, then the factory, and finally all four Attachments. The order, in which you do that does not matter, but it is better to stick to the above, because you can easily make a mistake, otherwise. With Alpha, your chances of succeeding are much higher.

Expand your armies up until you reach the upper limit for units. In the meantime, you should be clearing the map of the enemy units. Remember to watch the deposits you have, because Mother Goo will try to seize them. After you have formed the army, you should launch the ultimate attack. With the help from the airborne units, scout the area and find all of the Mother Goos. Split the emy into three teams. Deploy two of them near Goo Nests [3] and [4] and have them ready to start their pursuit after Mother Goos. With the main forces, which the Alpha should be a part of, first clear the Southern part of the map and then, start pushing North-Westwards. Keep eliminating the enemy forces, up until you have cleared the entire map. If you still have not completed the mission, conduct a standard reconnaissance from the air. Maybe, there is a single Mother Goo left.
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